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LedgerVoucher.lastAmountCur Method [AX 2012]

Gets the last known transaction currency amount from a specified instance of the LedgerVoucherObject class.



The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
          public AmountCur lastAmountCur(
           [Voucher _voucher, 
            TransDate _accountingDate, 
            CurrentOperationsTax _postingLayer])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
          public AmountCur lastAmountCur(
           [Voucher _voucher, 
            TransDate _accountingDate, 
            CurrentOperationsTax _postingLayer])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS)
          public AmountCur lastAmountCur(
           [Voucher _voucher, 
            TransDate _accountingDate, 
            OperationsTax _postingLayer])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)
          public AmountCur lastAmountCur(
           [Voucher _voucher, 
            TransDate _accountingDate, 
            OperationsTax _postingLayer])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (SYS)
          public AmountCur lastAmountCur(
           [Voucher _voucher, 
            TransDate _accountingDate, 
            OperationsTax _postingLayer])

Run On



  • _voucher
    Type: Voucher Extended Data Type
    The voucher number of the instance of the LedgerVoucherObject class from which to find the amount; optional.
  • _accountingDate
    Type: TransDate Extended Data Type
    The accounting date of the instance of the LedgerVoucherObject class from which to find the amount; optional.
  • _postingLayer
    Type: CurrentOperationsTax Enumeration
    The posting layer of the instance of the LedgerVoucherObject class from which to find the amount; optional.

Return Value

Type: AmountCur Extended Data Type
The last known amount in currency.


If the parameter is not supplied, the last known LedgerVoucherObject object will be used.

See Also

LedgerVoucher Class

LedgerVoucherObject.lastAmountCur Method

LedgerVoucherObject Class