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ReqTransFormPO.setDatasources Method [AX 2012]

Specifies the data sources to use for rule evaluation.


public void setDatasources(
    Common datasources1, 
   [Common datasources2, 
    Common datasources3, 
    Common datasources4, 
    Common datasources5])

Run On



  • datasources1
    Type: Common Table
    A Common table buffer that belongs to the first data source instance.
  • datasources2
    Type: Common Table
    A Common table buffer that belongs to the second data source instance; optional.
  • datasources3
    Type: Common Table
    A Common table buffer that belongs to the third data source instance; optional.
  • datasources4
    Type: Common Table
    A Common table buffer that belongs to the 4 data source instance; optional.
  • datasources5
    Type: Common Table
    A Common table buffer that belongs to the 5 data source instance; optional.


Usually the rules perform evaluation on a table buffer which is obtained from a data source.

This method lets the user set up several data sources that are used by the rule implementer helper class during rule evaluation.

Up to 5 data sources can be passed. If the implementation requires more data sources additional custom methods should be implemented on the rule implementer class.

See Also


ReqTransFormPO Class