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WorkCalendarSched.schedTime Method [AX 2012]

Schedules forward or backward from a given date by a given number of seconds.



The syntax of this method varies based on the version of Microsoft Dynamics AX that you are using.

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3
          public utcdatetime schedTime(
            SchedDirection _schedDirection, 
            utcdatetime _schedDateTimeFrom, 
            real _seconds, 
            CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
            CalendarId _calendarId, 
           [boolean _useEffectivity, 
            utcdatetime _limitDateTime])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 (SYS)
          public utcdatetime schedTime(
            SchedDirection _schedDirection, 
            utcdatetime _schedDateTimeFrom, 
            real _seconds, 
            CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
            CalendarId _calendarId, 
           [boolean _useEffectivity, 
            utcdatetime _limitDateTime])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack (SYS)
          public utcdatetime schedTime(
            SchedDirection _schedDirection, 
            utcdatetime _schedDateTimeFrom, 
            Seconds _seconds, 
            CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
            CalendarId _calendarId, 
           [boolean _useEffectivity, 
            utcdatetime _limitDateTime])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (FPK)
          public utcdatetime schedTime(
            SchedDirection _schedDirection, 
            utcdatetime _schedDateTimeFrom, 
            Seconds _seconds, 
            CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
            CalendarId _calendarId, 
           [boolean _useEffectivity, 
            utcdatetime _limitDateTime])

  Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (SYS)
          public utcdatetime schedTime(
            SchedDirection _schedDirection, 
            utcdatetime _schedDateTimeFrom, 
            Seconds _seconds, 
            CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
            CalendarId _calendarId, 
           [boolean _useEffectivity, 
            utcdatetime _limitDateTime])

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  • _schedDateTimeFrom
    Type: utcdatetime
    The date and time to schedule from.
  • _seconds
    Type: real
    The number of seconds to schedule forward or backward from the schedule date and time.
  • _useEffectivity
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the effectivity defined on the calendar must be considered; optional.

Return Value

Type: utcdatetime
The scheduling result.

See Also


WorkCalendarSched Class