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WrkCtrWorkingTimesCalendarDetail::newCalendarId Method [AX 2012]

Creates a WrkCtrWorkingTimesCalendarDetail object based on the specified interval, calendar identifier, and the direction in which to fetch the data.


client server public static WrkCtrWorkingTimesCalendarDetail newCalendarId(
    CalendarId _calendarId, 
    date _startDate, 
    TimeOfDay _startTime, 
    date _endDate, 
    TimeOfDay _endTime, 
    int _workingTimesCount, 
    boolean _forward)

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  • _startDate
    Type: date
    The start date for the interval.
  • _startTime
    Type: timeOfDay
    The start time for the interval.
  • _endDate
    Type: date
    The end date for the interval.
  • _endTime
    Type: timeOfDay
    The end time for the interval.
  • _workingTimesCount
    Type: int
    The number of working time records to retrieve.
  • _forward
    Type: boolean
    The direction to start looking for working times. If true the direction is forward, starting at the start date and start time. If false the direction is backwards, starting at the end date and end time.

Return Value

Type: WrkCtrWorkingTimesCalendarDetail Class
A container that stores the working time records. Each element in the container is another container that as the start date time, end date time, effectivity, and property ID, respectively.

See Also


WrkCtrWorkingTimesCalendarDetail Class