InventSiteInconsistencyCleanUp.performUpdateAllTransFromSecondaryTable Method [AX 2012]
Changes the InventDim of the primary table if it is needed to create consistency with inventTrans records.
protected void performUpdateAllTransFromSecondaryTable(
TableId _tableId,
FieldId _inventDimIdFieldId,
FieldId _inventTransIdFieldId,
[TableId _tableIdSecondary,
FieldId _inventDimIdFieldIdSecondary,
container _conSecondaryTableJoins,
container _conSecondaryTableRanges])
Run On
- _tableId
Type: TableId Extended Data Type
The ID of the primary table to update.
- _inventDimIdFieldId
Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
The ID of the field in the primary table that refers to InventDim record.
- _inventTransIdFieldId
Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
The ID of the field in the primary table that refers to InventTrans.
- _tableIdSecondary
Type: TableId Extended Data Type
The ID of the secondary table to take site from for the primary table; optional.
- _inventDimIdFieldIdSecondary
Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
The ID of the field in the secondary table that refers to InventDim, which will be used to get the site for the primary table; optional.
- _conSecondaryTableJoins
Type: container
A container with any pair of fields that is to be joined between the primary table and the secondary table; optional.
- _conSecondaryTableRanges
Type: container
A container with any pair of values where the first value is the field ID of the secondary table and the second value is the value that the field should have; optional.