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WrkCtrScheduler.insertLeadTimeJob Method [AX 2012]

Inserts a lead time job to enable the engine to schedule routeless orders.


protected RecId insertLeadTimeJob(
    WrkCtrParmSchedule _wrkCtrParmSchedule, 
    InventRefId _refId, 
    InventRefId _refIdOrig, 
    ReqSetupDim _setupDim, 
    Days _leadTime, 
    CalendarDays _calendarDays, 
    BOMLevel _startCollectRefLevel, 
    BOMLevel _currentCollectRefLevel, 
   [SchedDate _minSchedDate, 
    SchedTime _minSchedTime])

Run On



  • _wrkCtrParmSchedule
    Type: WrkCtrParmSchedule Class
    A WrkCtrParmSchedule object that contains the order scheduling parameters.
  • _setupDim
    Type: ReqSetupDim Class
    A ReqSetupDim object that is used to determine which calendar to use for lead times.
  • _leadTime
    Type: Days Extended Data Type
    A lead time that is that will be used as length for the job that is created as a placeholder for the whole order.
  • _minSchedDate
    Type: SchedDate Extended Data Type
    The minimum schedule date. If forward scheduling is used this will be passed as a StartsAt constraint.
  • _minSchedTime
    Type: SchedTime Extended Data Type
    The minimum schedule time. If forward scheduling is used this will be passed as a StartsAt constraint.

Return Value

Type: RecId Extended Data Type
A RecId object that identifies the temporary table buffer with the created placeholder job.

See Also


WrkCtrScheduler Class