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SysQuery::getValueQueryForDimensionAttribute Method [AX 2012]

Gets a query for the specified table with a pivoted column for the specified dimension.


client server public static Query getValueQueryForDimensionAttribute(
    str _parentTable, 
    FieldId _dimensionFieldId, 
    DimensionComponent _dimensionComponent, 
   [str _dimensionAttributeName])

Run On



  • _parentTable
    Type: str
    The parent table that contains the dimension information.
  • _dimensionFieldId
    Type: FieldId Extended Data Type
    The name of the field on the parent table that contains the dimension information.
  • _dimensionAttributeName
    Type: str
    The name of the dimension attribute to join with the parent data source to pivot the dimension information.

Return Value

Type: Query Class
A query with a root data source that is bound to the specified table with the dimension information pivoted as a joined data source.


If no dimension attribute is specified and the field is a ledger dimension, the denormalized combination string for the dimension information will be joined instead.

See Also


SysQuery Class