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SysDictTable::invokeStaticMethodIL Method [AX 2012]

Runs the specified method and makes sure that it is executed under X++ IL.


server public static container invokeStaticMethodIL(
    TableName _tableName, 
    MethodName _methodName, 
    container _params, 
   [boolean _ignoreTtsLevel])

Run On



  • _params
    Type: container
    The container of the parameters to pass to the method.
  • _ignoreTtsLevel
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether to force to IL even if the TTS level is larger than 0; optional.

Return Value

Type: container
The result of the method invocation as a container.


This demands the XppILExecutePermission class and asserts both the RunAsPermission and ExecutePermission classes. The method call will transition to X++ IL using the runAs function if running interpreted. If running as X++ IL already, the method is just called directly.

As there may be some overhead, this method should only be used on computationally expensive methods.

This method will not transition to IL if the current TTS level is larger than zero unless it is forced because the transaction scope does not flow across IL boundaries.

See Also


SysDictTable Class