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SysQuery::mergeFilters Method [AX 2012]

Merges the filters from the source query to the target query.


client server public static void mergeFilters(
    Query _sourceQuery, 
    Query _targetQuery, 
   [int _sourceQueryDataSourceIndex, 
    boolean _alwaysAddDatasource, 
    boolean _doNotAddQueryFilterForSameField])

Run On



  • _sourceQueryDataSourceIndex
    Type: int
    The index of the data source in the source query; optional.
  • _alwaysAddDatasource
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether to always add the data source to the target query; optional.
  • _doNotAddQueryFilterForSameField
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether adding a query filter for the same field to the target query should not be done; optional.


Exception Condition

The source query is null Nothing nullptr unit a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) .


The source data source is null Nothing nullptr unit a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) .


The target query is null Nothing nullptr unit a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) .


The source data source was not found on the target query and adding the data source is not enabled.

See Also


SysQuery Class