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ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll.updatePayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode Method [AX 2012]

Inserts records in the PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode from DEL_HRPPartyJobTableRelationship, DEL_EmplTable and the PRLEmployeePayElements table. This script also inserts records in the PayrollWorkerPositionEarningFrequency table.


public void updatePayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode()

Run On



This upgrade will create records in the PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode table from the fields in the PRLPayElements, PRLEmployeePayElements and HcmPosition table. Records in the PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode will only be created if the "active" or "expired" DEL_HRPPartyJobTableRelationship record exists that is associated to the identified EmplTable.

This upgrade will also create mutliple versions if there are multiple PRLEmployeePayElements table records for one Position Id.

See Also


ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll Class