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RetailCommonWebAPI.makeFormPost Method [AX 2012]

Performs HTTP request using the POST method and content encoded using multipart/form-data encoding.

This method allows to provide a Map of key/value pairs for data representable as a text using the _strFields parameter, as well as a Map of key/value pairs for binary data using the _docFields parameter.

Optionally, a custom HTTP header can be set through the _header parameter.


public RetailWebResponse makeFormPost(
    str _requestUrl, 
    Map _strFields, 
    Map _docFields, 
   [str _header])

Run On



  • _requestUrl
    Type: str
    The URL of the end-point to issue the request to
  • _strFields
    Type: Map Class
    The Map of key/value pairs for data representable as text.
    The key and value must be URL-encoded.
  • _docFields
    Type: Map Class
    The Map of key/value pairs for binary data.
    The key must be URL-encoded. The value is either a RefId of the DocuRef record of the document to send, or an instance of the RetailMediaFileDescription class.
  • _header
    Type: str
    The optional HTTP header to include into the request.

Return Value

Type: RetailWebResponse Class
Returns instance of the RetailWebResponse class with results of the HTTP request, such as HTTP status code and raw response data.

See Also


RetailCommonWebAPI Class