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ReleaseUpdateDB60_Asset.updateLtAssetPackingSlip Method [AX 2012]

Updates the LtAssetPackingSlipLine table by migrating the value of responsible from and location from the LtAssetPackingSlip table as the information was moved from the header record to the line record.Updates the LtAssetPackingSlip surrogate key column, depending on the LtAssetPackingSlip table in the LtAssetPackingSlipLine table.


public void updateLtAssetPackingSlip()

Run On



the DEL_DepartmentFrom and DEL_DepartmentTo records are marked for deletion, however, they are not migrated. The reason is that the column is a different entity between Ax 2009 and Ax 2012, and during the update it is not possible to determine the intent of the column.

See Also


ReleaseUpdateDB60_Asset Class