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match Function

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Searches for a string or expression within another string.

int match(str pattern, str text)





The string or expression for which to search.


The string to search.

Return Value

1 if the pattern is located in the string; otherwise, 0.


The search is case insensitive.

The following special characters can be used to create the pattern for the pattern parameter:




A backslash nullifies, or escapes, the special treatment of special characters so that the special character can be matched like a normal letter. A pair of backslashes is translated into one non-special backslash. For example:

match("ab$cd","ab$cd"); //returns 0

match("ab\$cd","ab$cd"); //returns 0 - the backslash is not escaped

match("ab\\$cd","ab$cd"); //returns 1 - the backslash and dollar sign are escaped

< or ^

A left angle bracket or a circumflex at the start of an expression is used to match the start of a line. For example:

match("<abc","abcdef"); //returns 1

match("<abc","defabc"); //returns 0

match("^abc","abcdef"); //returns 1

match("^abc","defabc"); //returns 0

> or $

A right angle bracket or a dollar sign at the end of the expression is used to match the end of a line. For example:

match("abc>","abcdef"); //returns 0

match("abc>","defabc"); //returns 1

? or .

A question mark or a period will match any one character in the same position. For example:

match("abc.def","abc#def"); //returns 1

match("colou?r","colouXr"); //returns 1


A colon specifies a group of characters to be matched, indicated by the character that follows immediately after.


Sets the match to letters. For example:

match("ab:acd","ab#cd"); //returns 0

match("ab:acd","abxyzcd"); //returns 0

match("ab:acd","abxcd"); //returns 1


Sets the match to numeric characters. For example:

match("ab:dcd","ab3cd"); //returns 1

match("ab:dcd","ab123cd"); //returns 0

match("ab:dcd","abcd"); //returns 0


Sets the match to alphanumeric characters. For example:

match("ab:ncd","ab%cd"); //returns 0

match("ab:ncd","ab9cd"); //returns 1

match("ab:ncd","abXcd"); //returns 1


Where SPACE is the character ' '. Sets the match to blanks, tabulations, and control characters such as Enter (new line). For example:

match("ab: cd","ab cd"); //returns 1

match("ab: cd","ab\ncd"); //returns 1

match("ab: cd","ab\tcd"); //returns 1

match("ab: cd","ab cd"); //returns 0 - only the first space is matched


An expression followed by an asterisk requires a match for zero, one, or more occurrences of the preceding expression. For example:

match("abc*d","abd"); //returns 1

match("abc*d","abcd"); //returns 1

match("abc*d","abcccd"); //returns 1

match("abc*d","abxd"); //returns 0


An expression followed by a plus sign requires a match for one or more occurrences of the preceding expression. For example:

match("abc+d","abd"); //returns 0

match("abc+d","abcd"); //returns 1

match("abc+d","abcccd"); //returns 1

match("abc+d","abxd"); //returns 0


An expression followed by a minus sign requires a match for zero or one occurrence of the preceding expression. In other words, the preceding expression is optional. For example:

match("colou-r","color"); //returns 1

match("colou-r","colour"); //returns 1


Matches a single character with any character contained within the brackets.A range of characters can be specified by two characters separated by a minus sign. For example, [a-z] matches all letters between a and z, [0-9] matches a digit, [0-9a-f] matches a hexadecimal digit.

match("[abc]","apple"); //returns 1 - matches the 'a' in apple

match("[abc]","kiwi"); //returns 0 - kiwi does not contain an a, b, or c

match("gr[ae]y","grey"); //returns 1 - also matches "gray"

match("gr[ae]y","graey"); //returns 0 - only one character between "gr" and "y" is matched.


If the first character in a text within square brackets is a circumflex (^), the expression matches all characters except those contained within the brackets.

match("[^bc]at","bat"); //returns 0

match("[^bc]at","hat"); //returns 1

match("[^abc]","bat"); //returns 1 - anything but a, b, or c is matched. The t is matched

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).