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DMFEntityType Enumeration

Help Text: Type of entity
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
Custom 0 Custom
Customer 1 Customer
Vendor 2 Vendor
Product 3 Product
Ledger 4 Main account
CustomerAddress 5 Customer address
Asset 6 Asset
PriceDisc 7 Price discount agreement journal
InventJournal 8 Inventory journal
VendorAddress 9 Vendor address
Project 10 Project
UnitOfMeasure 11 Units
Dimension 13 Dimension
BOMVersion 14 BOM version
LedgerBalance 15 Opening balance
ContactPerson 16 Contact person
ContactPersonAddress 17 Contact address
SalesTable 18 Sales order header
PurchTable 19 Purchase order header
SalesLine 20 Sales order line
PurchLine 21 Purchase order line
Employee 22 Employee
EmployeeAddress 23 Employee address
VendInvoiceHeader 24 Vendor invoice header
VendInvoiceLine 25 Vendor invoice line
InventTable 26 Items
Route 27 Route
RouteOpr 28 Route operations
TaxPeriodHead 29 Sales tax period
WorkCalendarDateLine 30 Working times line
WorkCalendarDate 31 Working times
WorkCalendarTable 32 Working time calendars
WorkTimeLine 33 Time transactions
WorkTimeTable 34 Working time templates
TrvAppEmplSub 35 Delegates
TrvPBSCatCodes 36 Credit card codes
TrvExpSubCategory 37 Expense subcategory
TrvValidatePayment 38 Valid payment methods
CategoryTable 39 Category table
VendGroup 40 Vendor groups
BarcodeSetup 41 Barcode setup
TaxData 42 Sales tax details
TaxParameters 43 Sales tax parameters
TaxGroupData 44 Sales tax group
TaxOnItem 45 Item sales tax group setup
TaxItemGroupHeading 46 Item sales tax group
TaxAuthorityAddress 47 Tax authority
TaxTable 48 Sales tax codes
TaxGroupHeading 49 Sales tax group header
TrvPayMethod 50 Payment method
TrvCostType 51 Expense category
DocuType 52 Document types
OmDepartment 53 Operating unit
TaxLedgerAccountGroup 54 Ledger posting groups
JobDetails 55 Job detail
EcoResCategoryHierarchy 56 Product category hierarchy
EcoResCategoryHierarchyRole 57 Product category hierarchy role
DimensionHierarchy 58 Dimension set
EcoResAttribute 59 Product attribute
EcoResAttributeType 60 Product attribute type
TrvCostTypeRates 61 Mileage rate tiers
WorkflowWorkItemQueue 62 Workflow work item queue
HCMPosition 63 Positions
ProjJournalTrans 64 Project journal
OrganizationHierarchy 65 Organization hierarchy
SharedCategory 66 Shared category
ExpPolicy 69 Expense policy
Workflow 70 Case workflow
AuditPolicy 71 Audit policy
ProductMaster 72 Product master
Budget 73 Budget register entries
ProjOnAccTrans 74 On-account
ProjInvoiceTable 75 Project contracts
SysEmailParameters 76 E-mail parameters
SyncParameters 77 Synchronization parameters
SysServerConfig 78 Server configuration
ServerSettings 79 Microsoft Project Server applications
DocuTableEnabled 80 Active document tables
ContentType 81 Content types
DocuDataSource 82 Document data sources
DocuParameters 83 Document management parameters
SRSReportDeploymentSettings 84 Report deployment settings
BITimePeriodsMDX 85 Time periods
TimeDimension 86 Time dimension
CustVendAifPaymTable 87 Set up outbound ports for electronic payments
AifWebsites 88 Web sites
AifLookupEntry 89 Lookup entry
CollabSiteParameters 90 General settings for collaboration workspaces
EPDocuParameters 91 Enterprise Portal document parameters
SRSServers 92 Business intelligence report servers
OutBound 93 Outbound port
InBound 94 Inbound port
batchGroup 95 Batch groups
NumberSequenceTable 97 Number sequence code
EPWebSiteParameters 98 Web sites
BIConfiguration 100 Configuration
HRMParameters 103 Personnel parameters
BudgetParameters 104 Budget parameters
ledgerParameters 105 Ledger parameters
ACOParameters_BR 107 Cost absorption parameters
ACOProdCostTable_BR 108 Production - costing
PRLPayrollParameters 109 Payroll parameter
HcmSharedParameters 110 Shared human resources parameters
ReqParameters 112 Master planning parameters
RetailConnParameters 113 Scheduler parameters
DirParameters 114 Global address book parameters
SIGParameters 115 Electronic signature parameters
WrkCtrParameters 116 Resource parameters
EMSParameter 117 Environmental parameters
COSParameters 118 Cost accounting parameter
SMAParameters 119 Service management parameters
IntrastatStateParameters 120 Intrastat code
Store 121 Store
Variant 122 Variant
TenderType 123 Retail payment method
ProductReceipt 124 Product receipt
ProductDimensionGroup 125 Product dimension group
MixAndMatchDiscountHeader 126 Mix and match discount header
MixAndMatchDiscountLine 127 Mix and match discount line
DirPartyRelationship 128 Party relationships
Category 129 Category
AssortmentHeader 130 Assortment header
AssortmentLine 131 Assortment line
ProductCategory 132 Product category
TransferOrder 133 Transfer orders
TransferOrderLine 134 Transfer lines
TransferOrderShipment 135 Transfer order shipment
TransferOrderReceive 136 Transfer order receive
StoreTenderTypeCard 137 Card setup
Terminals 138 Terminals
HardwareProfiles 139 Hardware profiles
StorePaymentMethod 140 Payment method to store
CardType 141 Card type
LinkedProduct 142 Linked product
RelatedProduct 143 Related products
RetailOrganizationHierarchy 144 Organization hierarchies
AssortmentPublish 145 Assortments
Barcode 146 Barcode
GiftCard 147 Gift card
PriceDiscGroup 148 Price groups
UserInfo 149 User information
ApprovedVendorList 150 Approved vendor list
DlvMode 151 Delivery mode
CashDenominations 152 Cash denominations
SMAParametersSubscription 153 Subscription parameters
BankParameters 154 Bank parameters
TrvParameters 155 Travel and expense parameters
SystemParameters 156 System parameters
smmParameters 157 Sales and marketing parameters
AssetParameters 158 Fixed asset parameters
ProdParameters 159 Production parameters
InventParameters 160 Inventory parameters
VendParameters 161 Vendor parameters
State 162 State
Party 163 Party
Custparameters 164 Customer parameters
RouteOprTable 165 Operations
RouteTable 166 Route relation
WrkCtrActivityRequirement 167 Resource requirements

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++