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BuiltInMethods Methods

The BuiltInMethods type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AosUtcNow Gets the UTC date time for the AOS.
Public method Static member ConvertAXContainerToImageBytes Converts an AX container object into an image byte array.
Public method Static member ConvertAXTimeToDateTime Converts an AX time in seconds to a .Net DateTime. Only the time is relevant in the DateTime.
Public method Static member CurrentUserCompany Obsolete. Gets the default current user's AX company name abbreviation (e.g. "DAT").
Public method Static member GenerateLinkToAXMenuItem Returns a link to a menu item based on context.
Public method Static member GetAXLanguageCultureInfo Gets the SSRS supported culture info that matches the specified rendering culture
Public method Static member GetEnumLabelFromValue Gets label of an enum value.
Public method Static member GetExtendedDataTypeFormat Gets formatting string based on a named EDT and a culture.
Public method Static member GetUserCompany Gets the given user's AX company name abbreviation (e.g. "DAT"), if argument is null, defaults to the current windows user.
Public method Static member GetUserPreferredCalendar Get the RDL calendar string value, based on the client user session calendar.
Public method Static member IsArabicLanguage Determines whether the specified language is an Arabac language.
Public method Static member ToDisplayStringAmount Obsolete. Formats an Amount value in the culture supplied and ensures that zero can be returned as an empty string.
Public method Static member ToDisplayStringDate Formats a DateTime value in the culture supplied using the format specified.


See Also


BuiltInMethods Class

Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.Reports Namespace