LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyRuleCriteria::deleteCriteriaForDerivedFinHierarchy Method
Deletes all the records in the LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyRuleCriteria table that are associated with the specified derived financial hierarchy and the legal entity.
client server public static void deleteCriteriaForDerivedFinHierarchy(RecId _derivedFinHierarchyRecId, RecId _companyInfoRecId)
Run On
- _derivedFinHierarchyRecId
Type: RecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the EcoResCategoryHierarchy table record that is associated with a legal entity in the LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyLegalEntities table.
- _companyInfoRecId
Type: RecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the CompanyInfo table record that is associated with a derived financial hierarchy in the LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyLegalEntities table.