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FormComboBoxControl.mouseEnter Method

Is called when the user moves the mouse pointer into the control.


public void mouseEnter(
    int x, 
    int y, 
    int button, 
    boolean Ctrl, 
    boolean Shift)

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  • x
    Type: int
    The x-coordinate of the mouse pointer. The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the control.
  • y
    Type: int
    The y-coordinate of the mouse pointer. The coordinate is relative to the upper-left corner of the control.
  • button
    Type: int
    An integer value: 1 if the left mouse button is down, 2 if the middle mouse button is down, or 3 if the right mouse button is down.
  • Ctrl
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the CTRL key is down.
  • Shift
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the SHIFT key is down.


The following example shows how to display the parameters of a mouseEnter event in the Infolog.

public void mouseEnter(int x,  
                      int y,  
                      int button, 
                      boolean Ctrl, 
                      boolean Shift) 
    int ret; 
    if (Shift) 
        info("Shift set"); 
    if (Ctrl) 
        info("Ctrl set"); 
    info (strfmt("x, y: %1 %2 button: %3", x, y, button)); 
    ret = super(x, y, button, Ctrl, Shift); 
    info (strfmt("ret: %1", ret)); 

See Also

FormComboBoxControl Class

Event Method Sequences in Form Scenarios