MapIterator.toString Method
Retrieves a textual representation of the iterator.
public str toString()
Run On
Return Value
Type: str
The string that describes the iterator.
If the iterator points to the first element in the set, the string will contain an indication of this, in the form: "(begin)[value]" If the iterator does not point to an element (that is, the MapIterator.more method returns false), the string returned is: "(end)" If the iterator points to a value the string is: "[value]" where value is a string representation of the element value.
The following example iterates through an integer or class map, printing out information about each map element. It uses the MapIterator.toString method to return a textual representation of the class in each map element.
Map iim = new Map(Types::Integer, Types::Class);
MapIterator it;
// Add some elements into the map
iim.insert(1, new query());
iim.insert(2, new query());
iim.insert(4, new query());
// Create a map iterator
it = new MapIterator (iim);
// Go on for as long as elements are found in the map
while (it.more())
// Print each key (1, 2, 4)
print it.key();
// Print text representation of each value
print it.value().toString();
// Fetch next element in map;