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Consumption depreciation (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Fixed assets > Journals > Fixed assets. Select a fixed asset. On the Action Pane, click Lines. Select a journal voucher and click Proposals > Consumption depreciation.

Use this form to enter depreciation lines for fixed asset value models. You can enter one or several lines at a time.


Only fixed assets with status of Open can be depreciated.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.




Overview tab

Enter information about the fixed asset value models to create consumption proposal lines for.

General tab

View the Overview tab information for the selected fixed asset value model.




Create consumption proposal

Open a query in which you specify the fixed asset value models and the date interval to create consumption proposal lines for.

All values on proposal lines are default values that you can adjust.


Print the proposed depreciation lines.


Delete proposal lines through a query.


Delete, add, or adjust lines, and then click this button to transfer them to the lines of the fixed asset journal, where they can be revised before posting.




Fixed asset number

The identifier of the fixed asset.


The identifier of the value model of the fixed asset, which has been set up for consumption depreciation.

Date when depreciation was last run

A statistical field that displays the date of the last depreciation that was posted for this fixed asset.


The unit that is set up for the value model of the fixed asset.

Unit depreciation

The cost of one depreciation unit, according to the setup of the fixed asset.


Enter a date to delimit the transactions that are included in the proposal.


The quantity, according to the consumption factor, which has been set up for the fixed asset or value model.


The depreciation amount, which is calculated as Quantity * Unit depreciation.


The consumption unit for the consumption depreciation.

Unit depreciation

The depreciation amount per consumption unit.

See also

Consumption factors (form)

Set up consumption depreciation

About consumption depreciation

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