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Depreciation books (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Fixed assets > Common > Fixed assets > Fixed assets. Select a fixed asset. On the Action Pane, click Depreciation books.

Use this form to associate an asset with a depreciation book. You can enter acquisition information, additional depreciation information, and purchasing and sales information for the asset.

Tasks that use this form

Set up asset depreciation books

Set up asset group depreciation book bonus

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Create and view depreciation books.


Set up information for the depreciation book.


Set up additional depreciation information for the depreciation book.


Enter purchasing and sales account information.





Open the Depreciation book transactions form, where you can view transaction information for the book.

Special depreciation allowance

Open the Depreciation book special depreciation allowance form, where you can view special depreciation allowance information for the book.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Balance – Open the Fixed asset balances form, where you can view information for the asset book.

  • Profile – Open the Profile form, where you can view the depreciation that is expected according to the setup of the asset.

  • Change history – Open the Fixed asset changes history form, where you can view changes that have been made to the service life, depreciation periods, expected scrap value, or sales value for the asset. For more information, see View fixed asset change history.


Open a menu with the following item:

  • Split fixed asset – Open the Split fixed asset form, where you can transfer a value from one asset to another.




Depreciation book

Enter or view the identifier for the book.


Select the status for posting the depreciation book:

  • Not yet acquired – Depreciation is not posted until the asset is acquired.

  • Open – Depreciation is posted automatically.

  • Suspended – The posting of the depreciation is on hold.

  • Closed – No depreciation is posted.

  • Sold – No depreciation is posted because the asset was sold.

  • Scrapped– No depreciation is posted because the asset was disposed of.

  • Transferred to low value pool – No depreciation is posted because the asset value is very low.


Select this check box if the asset can be depreciated for the selected depreciation book.

Depreciation profile

Select the depreciation profile for the depreciation book. This will be the default profile when you set up asset group depreciation books.

Alternative depreciation profile

Select the depreciation profile to use as an alternative depreciation method for the asset.

Depreciation convention

The method of recording depreciation in the period in which the asset was acquired.

Depreciation run date

Enter the date when depreciation for the fixed asset starts.

Date when depreciation was last run

The most recent date that depreciation was calculated.

Create depreciation adjustments with basis adjustments

Select this check box to automatically generate depreciation adjustments when the basis of the asset is adjusted with another adjustment type entry.

Allow depreciation when placed in service and disposal are in the same fiscal year

Select this check box to allow for depreciation amounts when the asset is placed in service and disposed of in the same fiscal year.

Service life

The depreciation period of the asset, expressed in years.

Depreciation periods

The number of depreciation periods, expressed in months.

Depreciation periods remaining

The number of depreciation periods remaining as of today, expressed in months.

Extraordinary depreciation profile

Select the depreciation profile to use as an extraordinary profile for the asset.

Round off depreciation

The lowest amount of the depreciation that is allowed for this depreciation book.

Allow net book value higher than acquisition costs

Select this check box to allow for the net book value for an asset to exceed the acquisition costs for the asset.

Allow negative net book value

Select this check box to allow the net book value amount for an asset to be negative.

Acquisition method

Select how you acquired the fixed asset.

The list contains the methods that were created in the Acquisition methods form. For more information, see Acquisition methods (form).

Replacement date

Enter the date when you plan to replace the fixed asset. The default date is the acquisition date plus the service life.

Revaluation group

Select a group for classifying an asset that is being revalued.


Select a provision type to indicate the reason for reducing the net book value of an asset.

Depreciation year (Depreciation tab)

The depreciation year from the depreciation profile.

Period frequency

The frequency of calculating depreciation, from the depreciation profile.

Depreciation profile (Alternative depreciation profile field group on the Depreciation tab)

Select the alternative profile for calculating depreciation to view the method, depreciation year, and period frequency for the selected alternative depreciation profile.

Depreciation profile (Extraordinary depreciation profile field group on the Depreciation tab)

Select the extraordinary depreciation profile for this book.

Consumption factor

The depreciation factor from the depreciation profile, if depreciation is calculated based on the consumption of an asset.

See also

Set up depreciation profiles

Set up provision types

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).