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Walkthrough: Verifying E-signatures on SQL update_recordset by Modifying Info .collectESignature

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

As a partner who builds enhancements into installations of Microsoft Dynamics AX, you can use the kernel event that calls the Info.collectESignature method. The method can be called when any kind of data modification is made to any table (such as with insert_recordset). Your code inside the collectESignature method must handle electronic signature (e-signature) processing for the data modification.

This walkthrough describes the following tasks:

  • Modifying the Info .collectESignature method

  • Inserting into the DatabaseLog table

  • Gathering information for the SysSignatureSetup table

  • Inserting into the SysSignatureSetup table

  • Raising the event by updating a table


To complete this walkthrough, you need:

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX

  • A license file that has access to the MorphX development environment

Modifying the Info.collectESignature Method

In this procedure you override the collectESignature method. You must put in code that verifies that e-signature requirements have been met. The sample given in this procedure is placeholder logic for the demonstration.

To modify the Info.collectESignature method

  • In the AOT, expand the Classes node, and then expand the Info node.


The node for the Info class might not be in the expected alphabetical location. It might be near the bottom of the Classes nodes.

  1. Right-click the method node collectESignature, and then select View Code. This starts a code editor window.

  2. In the code editor window, write the X++ code that is shown in the sample.

  3. Save the code. Press F7 to compile the code.

       boolean collectESignature(DatabaseLogType _logType, Common _record)
            DictEnum dEnum;
            dEnum = new DictEnum(enumNum(DatabaseLogType));
                "ESignature required for table '%1' (%2) , for the '%3' (%4) operation."
                , tableid2name(_record.TableId)
                , _record.TableId
                , enum2str(_logType)
                , dEnum.name2Value(enum2Str(_logType))
            return true;

Inserting Into the DatabaseLog Table

In this procedure you use the Navigation Pane to add a row to the DatabaseLog table. This row tells Microsoft Dynamics AX to log updates to the CustTable table.

To insert into the DatabaseLog table

  1. In the System Administration module, under Setup, expand Database and click Database log setup. The Database log setup form is displayed.

  2. In the form, press Ctrl+N or click the New button to add a new record. The Logging database changes wizard is displayed.

  3. In the wizard, click Next. In the page now displayed, expand Bank, select the Bank Accounts check box, and then click Next. In the Bank Accounts row, select the check box that is in the Update column. Click Next, and then click Finish.

  4. Close the client, and then restart the client. This refreshes the metadata in the client.

Gathering Information for the SysSignatureSetup Table

In this procedure you must gather the following information:

  • The int value for the DatabaseLogType enum value that matches the Update choice you made in the DatabaseLog table wizard task.

  • The table ID of the table that is being used in this walkthrough, which is the BankAccountTable.

  • The RecId for the row you added to the DatabaseLog table in the wizard.

Cc589558.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifThe DatabaseLogType Enum Value

You can find the int value for a given enum value by looking in the AOT.

To gather the DatabaseLogType enum value

  1. In the AOT, expand System Documentation, expand Enums, and then expand the node for the DatabaseLogType enum.

  2. Count the list of enum values, assigning 0 (zero) to the first item (Insert), and increment by one as you continue through the list.


Note the int value for Update is 2.

Cc589558.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifThe Table ID Value

You can use the function tableName2Id to find the table ID for the CustTable.

To gather the table ID value

  1. In the AOT, right-click the Jobs node, and then select New Job. The code editor window appears.

  2. In the code editor, enter the following X++ code:

       static void Job1(Args _args)
            Info(strFmt("%1" ,tableName2Id("BankAccountTable")));
        /***  Example Infolog output
        Message (03:13:56 pm)
  1. Save the code.

  2. Press F7 to compile your job, and then press F5 to run the job.

  3. Make a note of the table ID that you find in the Infolog window.

Cc589558.collapse_all(en-us,AX.60).gifThe RecId Value

You can run an X++ job to find the RecId for the target row from the DatabaseLog table.

To gather the RecId value

  1. In the AOT, right-click the Jobs node, and then select New Job. A code editor appears.

  2. In the code editor, enter the following X++ code:

       static void DatabaseLogTableLookups44Job(Args _args)
            DatabaseLog dablogTable;
            while select * from dablogTable
                dablogTable .logTable == 77 // 'CustTable'
                && dablogTable .logType == 2 // 'Update'
                info(strFmt("%1 %2: %3"
                    , dablogTable.logTable
                    , dablogTable.logType
                    , dablogTable.RecId
        /********  Actual Infolog output
        Message (03:26:07 pm)
        7 Update: 5637144576
  1. If necessary, change the where clause values in the job code. For example, the VendTable has a different table ID than the 7 shown in the example.

  2. Save the code.

  3. Press F7 to compile your job, and then press F5 to run the job.

  4. Make a note of the RecId number that you find in the Infolog window.

Inserting Into the SysSignatureSetup Table

In the procedure you add a row to the SysSignatureSetup table, for the RecId value that you obtained in the previous task. This row is detected by the kernel every time when the BankAccountTable is updated. It causes the kernel to call the Info.collectESignature method.

To insert into the SysSignatureSetup table

  1. In the AOT, expand the Data Dictionary node, and then expand Tables.

  2. Right-click the SysSignatureSetup table node, and then select Open. A table browser window appears.

  3. Press Ctrl+N to create a new line entry that you can edit.

  4. Click the cell in the LogRecRefId column. A drop-down list box is displayed.

  5. In the LogRedRefId drop-down list box, select the value that matches the RecId you gathered in the previous task.

  6. Select the check box in the SignatureControlled column. Otherwise the kernel skips this row when it determines whether to call collectESignature.

  7. Press Ctrl+S to save the new record. Close the table browser.

  8. Close the client, and then start a new client. This repopulates the client cache from SysSignatureSetup.

Raising the Event by Updating a Table

In this procedure you update the BankAccountTable. This causes the kernel to run the collectESignature method. You can view the effects in the Infolog.

To raise the event by updating a table

  1. In the AOT, expand the Data Dictionary node, and then expand Tables.

  2. Right-click the BankAccountTable node, and then select Open. A table browser window appears.

  3. In the table browser, click in any non-blank cell in the CellularPhone column. Change any digit, and then press Ctrl+S to update the database. The Infolog window is displayed containing the following.

     ESignature required for table 'BankAccountTable' (7) , for the 'Update' (2) operation. 
     Transaction does not contain a required signature.

  4. Verify the information in the Infolog is from the collectESignature method.

Next Steps

Only a partner or other major Microsoft Dynamics AX developer should consider editing the Info.collectESignature method. The primary purpose of an e-signature is to prevent someone from denying that they earlier took a specific action. You should research the business and legal aspects of electronic signing before you can design an e-signature subsystem.

See also

Data Integrity

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