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Price margin update-lines (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Inventory management > Periodic > Commodity pricing > Price margin update. Select a pricing calculation, and then click the Lines button at the top of the form.

Use this form to view details for the pricing batch you select in the Price margin update form. Based on the results of the calculation, you can make any adjustments to pricing fields before applying the new costs to related sales price trade agreements. To apply the changes to trade agreements, click the Update trade agreements button. Then post the changes in the Price/discount agreement journals form.

Tasks that use this form

Update a trade agreement with new commodity pricing

View results of a commodity pricing batch job

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View a list of items included in the pricing calculation batch. You can select a specific item to view details or make adjustments to its New price or New margin values on the General tab.


View details for the selected item and make any necessary adjustments to the New price or New margin values.

Inventory dimensions

View inventory dimensions for the selected item.

Financial dimensions

View financial dimensions for the selected item.




Update trade agreements

Open the Commodity pricing trade agreement update dialog box and select the pricing margin identifier. To apply the adjustments for the items marked for update, click OK.


Open a submenu of items and select a function for the item or items that you select:

  • Mark for update – Mark the selected item or items whose related trade agreements are to be updated with the new pricing. When you mark an item, the Update trade agreement check box is automatically selected on the Overview tab.

  • Unmark for update – Clear the selected item or items previously marked for update.

  • Dimension criteria – Update the financial dimensions.

  • Amounts display – Show or hide all Previous and Difference columns for the form that is currently displayed.


Open a submenu of items and make a selection to view or update various inventory records or perform related inventory functions.


View calculation results for the selected price and margin update line. To view results, the Keep BOM/Formula calculations check box in the Inventory and warehouse management parameters form must be selected. Otherwise, this button is not available.




Update trade agreement

Select the check box to update the associated item sales price trade agreement when you click the Update trade agreements button.

Item number

The identification for the item.

Account code

The account code specified for the item in the Quantity and margin template form.

Account selection

The identification for the customer account or customer group based on the account code selection.


The quantity in formula units for the item or item group.

From quantity

The starting quantity in the pricing range. This value is passed to the template from the related trade agreement.

To quantity

The ending quantity in the pricing range. This value is passed to the template from the related trade agreement.

New cost

The new cost for one formula item unit.

New price

The new price to be inserted in the associated item sales price trade agreement if this line item is marked for update. You can enter a different New price value if there is no Price hold-lock or Margin hold-lock active for the item. If you change the New price value, the following related pricing fields are recalculated:

  • New margin (New price – New cost)

  • Cost difference (Previous cost – New cost)

  • Percent change (Previous price – New price)/Previous price) * 100)

  • Margin difference (Previous margin – New margin)

New margin

The new margin to be inserted in the associated item sales price trade agreement if this line item is marked for update. You can enter a different New margin value if there is no Price hold-lock or Margin hold-lock active for the item. If you change the New margin value, the following related pricing fields are recalculated:

  • New price (New price = New cost + New margin)

  • Cost difference (Previous cost – New cost)

  • Percent change ((Previous price – New price)/Previous price) * 100)

  • Margin difference (Previous margin – New margin)

Item group

The identification for the item group.

BOM or Formula

The identification for the formula item.

Route number

The identification for the route.

Previous cost

The previous calculated cost for one formula item unit.

Previous margin

The previous calculated margin for one formula item unit.

Previous price

The previous calculated price for one formula item unit.

Cost difference

The difference between the New cost and Previous cost. The difference amount is used in the automatic calculation of the New cost field as follows: Previous cost + Difference = New Cost.

Margin difference

The difference between the Previous margin and the New margin.

Percent price change

The percentage of change, which is calculated as follows: ((Previous price – New price)/Previous price)*(100))

Pricing margin ID

The identification for the pricing margin.

Inventory unit

The number of item units on which the cost price is based.

Calculation number

The number assigned to the calculation results for the selected price and margin update line.


The item configuration for an item with specific attributes.


The size of the formula item.


The color of the formula item.


The site for the warehouse where the formula item is maintained. A site can be associated to more than one warehouse.


The warehouse in which the item is located.

Batch number

The identification for the batch to which the item is assigned.


The location in the warehouse where the formula item is stored.

Pallet ID

The identification for the pallet to which the formula item is assigned.

Serial number

The serial number dimension assigned to the item.

Cost center-system

View or select the cost center to use for price margin updates.


View or select the department to use for price margin updates.

Expense purposes-system

View or select the appropriate expense account to use for price margin updates.

Main account

View or select the main account to use for price margin updates for your company’s account structure.

See also

Price/discount agreement journals (form)

Price margin update (form)

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