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Upgrading Data Common to All Companies

This part of the upgrade process involves upgrading roles (permission sets) and permissions, upgrading database key groups, and assigning Windows groups the appropriate license type for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

Upgrading Roles and Permissions

The following procedure assumes that the customer has used the standard roles and permissions provided with the CRONUS International Ltd. demonstration database as the basis for the roles and permissions in their database. If you have added, modified, or removed roles and permissions, you may have to upgrade roles and permissions manually.


In versions of Microsoft Dynamics NAV before Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the word role was used to describe a set of permissions for a set of objects in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database that you can assign to one or more users. In Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, the new term for this concept is permission sets. However in this topic, role is used because the UI of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment still uses this term.

To upgrade roles and permissions in the database, follow these steps.

To upgrade roles and permissions

  1. In the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, open Object Designer.

  2. Run XMLport 104001, Import/Export Roles, to export the roles currently defined in the database into a file.

  3. Run XMLport 104002, Import/Export Permissions, to export the permissions currently defined in the database into a file.

  4. If the customer has changed the Read/Write/Modify/Delete/Execute rights for any of the standard permissions, or customized roles in any way, you must merge these changes manually with the roles and permissions supplied with Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013.

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 includes updated roles and permissions. Two text files may be provided by your local Microsoft country/region office with the local upgrade toolkit. If these two text files are not included, use XMLport 104001, Import/Export Roles, and 104002, Import/Export Permissions to export the new standard roles and permissions from the CRONUS demonstration company on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 media.

    Merge the roles and permissions exported from the customer database with the roles and permissions in the files provided by your local Microsoft country/region office or exported from the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 CRONUS demonstration company.

  5. Run page 9802, Permission Sets, and delete all permission sets except the SUPER permission set (remember: permission set = role).

  6. Run page 104002, Upgrade - New Version.

  7. Choose Import Roles.

  8. Import the user roles from the merged role text file that you created in step 4.

  9. Choose Import Permissions.

  10. Import the permissions from the merged permission text file that you created in step 4.

  11. When you have finished the roles and permissions upgrade, verify that users can perform all their tasks without any permission errors.

Upgrading Database Key Groups

Data that is contained in the tables that are not company specific are not upgraded by the upgrade tool. This includes the following tables.

Table ID Table name


Permission Set




Access Control


Database Key Groups

Manually update the data in these tables to make sure that database key groups defined for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 are available along with the key groups from Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009.

The Windows Group License Type

A new licensing model has been implemented for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. For more information about the different license types that are available for Microsoft Dynamics NAV users, see License Types. If some of the users that were in your Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 database were Windows groups, make sure that you assign these users the Windows Group license type. You can assign a license type to an existing user in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client by selecting the user in the Users page and choosing Edit.

See Also


About Permission Sets
About Permissions
Upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013