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Specifies which items will be totaled on this line.

How you fill out this field depends on the contents of the Type field. If you assign the Formula type to the analysis line, you can enter a formula that includes row numbers (or totaling intervals) from the analysis report. If the type is Items or Customers, you must enter a number (or totaling range) from the item list or the customer list, respectively. If the type is item groups, customer groups or salespeople, you must enter a dimension value (or dimension value range) from the dimension value list.

When you use a totaling interval, all the items within the range you define (for example, 1900..2100 inclusive) will be totaled.

Meaning Sample Expression Records Displayed

Equal to


Number 377.


1100 .. 2100



Numbers 1100 through 2100

Item no. up to 1231

Item no. 40000 and thereafter



Those with number 1200 or 1300.



Numbers that are less than 2000 and greater than 1000. (The & sign cannot be used by itself with numbers because no record has two numbers.)

Different from


All numbers except 0.

Greater than

> 1200

Numbers greater than 1200.

Greater than or equal to


Numbers greater than or equal to 1200

Less than


Numbers less than 1200.

Less than or equal to


Numbers less than or equal to 1200.

You can use a formula to perform calculations on other lines. Other lines are referenced through their row reference number.

You can use the following symbols:

+ (addition)

- (subtraction)

* (multiplication)

/ (division)

^ (exponentiation)

() (parentheses)


If you wish to include a number in the formula, that number must not be used as a row reference number in your analysis report.

You can enter a maximum of 250 characters, both numbers and letters.

If you use Insert Items, this field is automatically copied from the No. field in the item list.

See Also


Analysis Report Name