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Export DEB DTI Batch Job

Exports Intrastat journal lines from the Intrastat Journal window to an .xml file that is based on the DTI+ format.


VAT registered companies in France that trade with other EU member countries must report Declaration of Trade in Goods (DEB). DEB can be seen as a combination of the EU Sales List and Intrastat reporting. DTI+ refers to Direct Trader Interface that is used to submit trade declaration through an .xml file.


Field Description

File Name

Enter the path and file name to store your DEB data. Add the .xml file name extension to the file name.

Obligation Level

Select an obligation level based on the amount of receipts and dispatches from January 1 to December 31 in the previous year. For more information about which obligation level you should use, see the French Customs Web site.


The obligation level has no impact on the fields which are exported to the .xml file.


If your receipts and dispatches increase and exceed the threshold amounts during the year, your reporting obligation level will change as of the month in which the threshold amounts are exceeded.


For more information on how to work with batch jobs, see How to: Run Batch Jobs and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also




Requirements for Reporting Declaration of Trade in Goods
France Local Functionality

Other Resources

Company Information
Intrastat Journal