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VAT Entry Table

Specifies the VAT entry if you post a line in the general ledger, sales, or purchases application area, and the entry contains a VAT code.

VAT ledger entries are created by the following: the posting of a sales order, invoice, credit memo or journal line; the posting of a purchase order, invoice, credit memo, or journal line; and the Calc. and Post VAT Settlement batch job.

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
BAS Doc. No. Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Settlement Adjustment Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
BAS Adjustment Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
STE Transaction ID Field, VAT Entry Table United States Local Functionality
Tax Exemption No. Field, VAT Entry Table United States Local Functionality
Sett. Rem. Unrealized Amount Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Sett. Unrealized Base Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Sett. Rem. Unrealized Base Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
GST/HST Field, VAT Entry Table United States Local Functionality
Sett. Unrealised Base (FCY) Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Consol. BAS Doc. No. Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Sett. Unrealised Amount (FCY) Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Adjustment Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
VAT Code Field, VAT Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Sett. Payment Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Consol. Version No. Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Add.-Curr. Base Field, VAT Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Add.-Curr. Amount Field, VAT Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Sett. Unrealized Amount Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
BAS Version Field, VAT Entry Table New Zealand Local Functionality
Base Amount Type Field, VAT Entry Table Norway Local Functionality
Reversed Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Ship-to/Order Address Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Group Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Document Type Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
EU 3-Party Trade Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Unrealized Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Add.-Curr. Rem. Unreal. Amount Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Reason Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Gen. Prod. Posting Group Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Unrealized Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Generated Autodocument Field, VAT Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Posting Date Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Transaction No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Amount Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Country/Region Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Delivery Operation Code Field, VAT Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Internal Ref. No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Bus. Posting Group Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Add.-Curr. Rem. Unreal. Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
External Document No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Sales Tax Connection No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Unrealized Amount Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Document Date Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Unrealized VAT Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Group Used Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Remaining Unrealized Amount Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Source Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
No. Series Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Bill-to/Pay-to No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Reversed by Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Calculation Type Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Gen. Bus. Posting Group Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Amount Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Jurisdiction Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Difference Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Closed Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax on Tax Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Type Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Closed by Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Remaining Unrealized Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Add.-Currency Unrealized Amt. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Add.-Curr. VAT Difference Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Use Tax Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
User ID Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Reversed Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Additional-Currency Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Prod. Posting Group Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Document No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Registration No. Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Liable Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Type Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Tax Area Code Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
EU Service Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Base Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
VAT Base Discount % Field, VAT Entry Table General Ledger
Exchange Rate Adjustment Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
First Name Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Currency Factor Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Payment Method Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Unadjusted Exchange Rate Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
G/L Account No. Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Add. Curr. Nondeductible Amt. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Base (FCY) Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Place of Birth Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Amount (FCY) Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Include in VAT Transac. Rep. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Blacklisted Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Transport Method Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT % Field, VAT Entry Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Contract No. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Plafond Entry Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Reverse Sales VAT Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Activity Code Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Fiscal Code Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT Identifier Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT % Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
EC % Field, VAT Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Tax Representative No. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT Period Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
VAT % Field, VAT Entry Table Spain Local Functionality
Blacklist Amount Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Last Name Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Date of Birth Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Resident Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Operation Occurred Date Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Individual Person Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Add. Curr. Nondeductible Base Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Nondeductible Base Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Related Entry No. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Tax Representative Type Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Refers To Period Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Nondeductible Amount Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Service Tariff No. Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality
Deductible % Field, VAT Entry Table Italy Local Functionality

See Also

Other Resources

Calc. and Post VAT Settlement
How to: View VAT Entries
How to: Record VAT