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Form 27EQ Entry Table

This table stores party records on a quarterly basis. Entry in this table and in TCS Entryis made simultaneously.

For modifying specific fields in this table, click Financial Management-> General Ledger-> Periodic activities-> Tax Collected at Source-> Correct 27EQ Entries (select ‘Correction Type’ as ‘Party ’).

List of Fields in the Table

To see the list of fields in this table, change to the Classic view. Choose the Choose View button in the upper-right corner, and then choose Classic.

Field Location
Last Emp./Party P.A.N. No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Tax Deducted / Collected Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Paid Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Challan-Detail Record No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Name Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Bank Name Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Base Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Amount of Payment / Credit Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Correction-C5 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remarks 1 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Detail Record No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remarks Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Entry No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Adjusted TCS Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
NIL Challan Indicator Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Transfer Voucher No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
She Cess Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party P.A.N. No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Reversed Entry No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Amount Including Surcharge Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Amount Paid / Credited on Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Account Type Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Certificate No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Source Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party P.A.N. Ref. No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Surcharge Base Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Filing Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
eCESS Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Revised Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Correction-Y Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Normal eTCS Generated Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Check / DD Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
T.C.A.N. No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Applied To Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Balance Work Tax Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Adjusted Surcharge Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Description Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Last Total Tax Deposited Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Base Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Quarter Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Surcharge Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Filed Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Group Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Printed Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
No. Series Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
BSR Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Concessional Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
She Cess Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Adjusted Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Book Entry / Cash Indicator Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Challan Register Entry No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Entry No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
No. Printed Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Bal. TCS Including She Cess Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Service Tax Including eCess Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Type Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Total Tax Deposited Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Nature of Collection Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Applied Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Assessment Year Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Total TCS Including She Cess Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Certificate Period Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Applies To Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
User ID Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Type Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Batch No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Certificate Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Correction-C3 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remaining TCS Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Check / DD No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Posting Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Revised eTCS Generated Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Pay TCS Document No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Pay Work Tax Document No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Reversed Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Payment Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Surcharge Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
No. of Revision Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Document No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remaining Surcharge Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Last Emp./Party P.A.N Ref. No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Document Type Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Invoice Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Reversed By Entry No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Transaction No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Filing Date of Revised eTCS Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Paid Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Extra Base Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
eCESS Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Per Contract Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Last Total Income TCS Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remarks 2 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Assessee Code Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Correction-C9 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Adjusted She Cess Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Challan Date Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Challan No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Nature Of Collection Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Adjusted eCESS Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Financial Year Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Percentage Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
PAN Other Modified Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Work Tax Account Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Party Account No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Concessional Form Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Rem. Total TCS Incl She Cess Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Mode Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Remarks 3 Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
Account No. Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
TCS Amount Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax
PAN Modified Field, T_16517 Table Income Tax