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Ref. Payment - Exported Table

Specifies the exported reference payments.

List of Fields in the Table

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Field Location
Payment Execution Date Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Foreign Payment Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
SEPA Payment Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Payment Date Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Description Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Message Type Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Invoice Message Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Vendor No. Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Applied Payments Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Posting Date Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Transfer Date Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Vendor Account Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Foreign Payment Method Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Transferred Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Posted to G/L Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Invoice Message 2 Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Remittance Information Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Exchange Rate Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Batch Code Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
File Name Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Document No. Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Picked to Journal Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
External Document No. Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Amount (LCY) Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Affiliated to Line Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Currency Factor Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Type Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Amount Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Document Type Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Entry No. Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Payment Account Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Due Date Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Currency Code Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
No. Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Foreign Banks Service Fee Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Applies-to ID Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality
Transfer Time Field, Ref. Payment - Exported Table Finland Local Functionality

See Also


Ref. Payment Imported