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Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server

When you run Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Setup and install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can provide configuration information that is then used as the configuration for the default Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

After you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can change any of the settings that you provided during Setup, or any of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server settings, using either the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool or the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows PowerShell cmdlets for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016.


Each Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance has its own settings.

Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server in Setup

You can configure the default instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server when running Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Setup. You must first select Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server as a component to install. To do this, select one of the following Installation Options that includes Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server:

You can also customize your installation and the list of components to install. For more information, see How to: Choose Components to Install.

After you specify an installation option or customize your component list, the Specify parameters pane is displayed in Setup. The list of parameters that you see in the Specify parameters pane depends on which components you have selected for configuration. Setup provides a short description for each parameter. For a description of the most important parameters for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, see Server Option.

When you have finished entering values, choose the Apply button. This returns you to the Specify parameters page in Setup.

After you finish running Setup, you can modify Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server using any of the methods described in the following section.

Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server After Installation

After you install Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, you can change any of the settings that you provided during Setup, or any of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server settings, in any of the following ways:

  • Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool. For more information, see Settings in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Console and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool.

  • Using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV PowerShell cmdlets that are available in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell. For more information, see Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell Cmdlets to Modify Settings.

  • By directly editing CustomSettings.config, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server configuration file. By default, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\90\Service\Instances\<instancename>. We recommend that you do not directly edit the configuration file, because if you make any errors in typing, then you may not be able to start the instance.


After you modify a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server setting, you must restart the associated Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance before any changes can take effect.

Settings in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Console

In the tables in the following sections, Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool setting names are used. Settings names in the CustomSettings.config file are slightly different. Quotation marks are required for all values.

  • General Tab Settings

  • Database Tab Settings

  • Client Services Tab Settings

  • SOAP Services Tab Settings

  • OData Services Tab Settings

  • NAS Services Tab Settings

  • Management Services Tab Settings


You must choose Edit in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool before you can modify any values.

General Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the General tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Azure Active Directory App ID URI

Specifies the App ID URI that is registered for Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You use this setting to configure Microsoft Dynamics NAV web services for OAuth authentication, specifically when the Credential Type setting is AccessControlService.

The App ID URI is a logical identifier and does not have to represent a valid location, although it is common practice to use the physical URL of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV web service.

The App ID URI is typically the same as the value of wtrealm parameter of the ACSUri setting that is included in web.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and the ClientUserSettings.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

An example of an App ID URI is https://localhost:7047/.

For more information about how to use the Azure Active Directory App ID URI with OAuth authentication, see Using OAuth to Authenticate Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Services (Odata and SOAP).

Build Restriction

Specifies what happens when a Microsoft Dynamics NAV client tries to connect to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance when the client is running a different build version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 than the server instance.


  • AlwaysConnect

    The client connects to the server instance without giving a warning to the user.

  • WarnClient

    Before connecting the client to the server instance, a message appears that informs the user that the build versions for the client and server instance are different. The user can choose to continue or cancel the connection.

  • DoNotAllow

    A message appears that informs the user that the client and server instance build versions are different, and the client does not connect to the server instance.

Default: WarnClient

With the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Tablet client, this setting compares the build version of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components on IIS with the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. It controls the connection between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components and the server instance.

Certificate Thumbprint

If you use security certificates to protect communications between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and client services or web services over an open or wide-area network, you must provide the certificate thumbprint to Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server by updating this setting. For more information, see Walkthrough: Implementing Security Certificates in a Test Environment and How to: Implement Security Certificates in a Production Environment.

Compile and Load Business Application

Specifies whether the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance compiles all the business application assemblies and loads them to cache memory when the server instance is started. The assemblies are then retrieved from memory when requested by a Microsoft Dynamics NAV client.

Enabling this setting will reduce the time it takes for the server instance to load application objects the first time they are requested by a Microsoft Dynamics NAV client after the server instance started. However, it will also slightly increase the memory usage by the server instance.

  • If you enable this setting, when the server instance starts for the first time, the business application assemblies will be compiled and loaded to the cache memory of the computer that is running the server instance. The assemblies, along with metadata such object timestamp information, are also stored to a temporary folder on the computer's file system. Whenever the server instance is restarted, it will compare the assemblies that are stored in memory with corresponding objects in the connected database to determine whether the assemblies in memory can be reused. An assembly will be reused if the following conditions are met:

    1. The connected database is the same as before, based on the databasemagic field in the dbproperty table.

    2. The object time stamp that is recorded on the compiled assembly matches the object timestamp in metadata of the connected database.

    If the conditions are not met for an assembly or an assembly for an object in the database is not found in the memory, then a new assembly is built and stored for reuse to cache memory and the file system of the server instance compute for reuse.

  • If you disable this setting, individual assemblies will be compiled on-demand as application objects are requested by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client. The compiled assemblies will not be reused on subsequent server instance restarts.

  • This setting does not apply to query objects.

  • Assembly compilation happens asynchronously.

  • On average, all application objects will be loaded within the first few minutes that the server instance operates.

Credential Type

Specifies the authentication mechanism for Microsoft Dynamics NAV users of this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

The options are Windows, Username, NavUserPassword, AccessControlService, and None. For more information, see Users and Credential Types.

If you choose AccessControlService, you must specify a token signing key for use with Azure Access Control service (ACS), or a federation metadata location for use with Azure AD. If you choose NavUserPassword, and you specify a token signing key, you can use both NavUserPassword and AccessControlService for cthis server instance.

None is only for internal use on system sessions and typically should not be used. If you choose None, then the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance cannot start.

Default: Windows

Data Cache Size

The contextual size of the data cache.

Default: 9

Debugging Allowed

Specifies whether C/AL debugging is allowed for this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: Enabled

Default Client

Specifies the client type that is used to generate URLs when the client type is set to Default.

The options are Current, Windows, Web, SOAP, and OData.

Default: Current

Enable Certificate Validation

Specifies whether validation should be performed on the security certificate.

Default: Enabled

Enable Debugging

Specifies whether the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance starts with debugging enabled.

If this option is enabled, the following occurs:

  • When the client first connects, all C# files for the application are generated.

  • C# files persist between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server restarts.

  • Application objects are compiled with debug information.

    Default: Not enabled

Enable Event Logging to Windows Application Log

Specifies whether to record admin and operational type events (errors, warnings, and information messages) that occur on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances in the Windows Application log on the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Because Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance events are always logged to the Application and Services Logs, you can disable logging Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance events in the Windows Application log and not lose any data. For more information, see Monitoring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Events in the Windows Event Log and How to: Disable Logging Events to the Windows Application Log.

If you are using System Center Operations Manager to monitor Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances, do not disable logging to the Windows Application log. If you do, monitoring will not work.

Enable File Access by C/AL Functions

Specifies whether C/AL functions of the file data type can access files on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server computer.

Default: Enabled

Enable Full C/AL Function Tracing

Specifies whether full C/AL function tracing is enabled on Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) sessions.

When this setting is enabled, all C/AL function calls and statements are traced.

When this setting is disabled, only root C/AL function calls are traced. Statements and functions that are called from a function are not traced.

For more information, see Monitoring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Events.

Default: Not enabled

Max Concurrent Calls

The maximum number of concurrent client calls that can be active on this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: 40

Range: 1 - 2,147,483,647

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no limit.

Metadata Provider Cache Size

Specifies the number of objects that can be cached. Set this value to 0 to disable caching.

Default: 150


Specifies if the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance can be used in a multitenant environment.

Tenant databases can only be mounted on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance if this setting is selected. For more information, see Multitenant Deployment Architecture.

Network Protocol

Specifies the network protocol for accessing the database.

Valid values: Default, Named, Sockets, MultiProtocol

Default: Default

Report PDF Font Embedding

Specifies whether fonts are embedded in PDF files that are generated for reports when the report uses an RDLC report layout at runtime. This setting applies when reports are run and saved as PDF files on the Microsoft Dynamics NAV client (from the report request page or print preview window) or on Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server (by the SAVEAS Function or SAVEASPDF Function (Report) in C/AL code).

This setting does not apply when a report uses a Word report layout at runtime.

Embedding fonts in a PDF of a report makes sure that the PDF will use the same fonts as the original file, regardless of where the PDF is opened and which fonts are installed on the computer. However, embedding fonts can significantly increase the size of the PDF files. By disabling font embedding, you can decrease the size of the report PDF files.

This is a global setting for font embedding in report PDF files. You can override this setting on a report basis by the specifying the PDFFontEmbedding Property.

Default: Not enabled

Send Feedback

When this setting is enabled, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance collects basic information about your hardware configuration and about how you use Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, and sends it to Microsoft. Microsoft uses this information to identify trends and usage patterns and to improve its software.

Default: Not enabled

This is the EnableSoftwareQualityMetrics setting in the CustomSettings.conig file.

For more information, see Customer Experience Improvement Program and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Services Default Company

Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics NAV company that the client services, OData web services, and NAS services use as the default company.

If your Microsoft Dynamics NAV database contains only one company, leave the setting blank.

Services Default Time Zone

Specifies the time zone in which web service and NAS services calls are run.


  • UTC

    All business logic for web services and NAS services on the server instance runs in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This is how all web services business logic was handled in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1.

  • Server Time Zone

    Services use the time zone of the computer that is running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

  • <ID of any time zone recognized by the current version of Windows>

    Specifies any Windows time zone as defined in the system registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones. For example, Romance Standard Time.

Default: UTC

Services Language

Specifies the global language version to use for text strings with SOAP and OData web services.

The value must be valid culture name for a language that is available for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution, such as en-US and da-DK.

Default: en-US

Services Option Format

Specifies the source of the text strings to use for the option values of an option data type field.


Default: OptionCaption

Session Event Table Retain Period

An integer value that specifies how many months events in the Session Events table are retained.

Default: 3

UI Elements Removal

Specifies if UI elements are removed when the related object is not accessible according to the license or according to user permissions or both. For more information, see How to: Specify When UI Elements Are Removed.

Use NTLM Authentication

Specifies whether NTLM authentication is enabled for web services. To require Kerberos authentication, disable this option.

Default: Not enabled

Database Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the Database tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.


If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as a multitenant server instance, then except for the Database Name, Database Instance, and Database Server settings, the settings apply to both the application database and the tenant database.

Setting Description

Close Inactive SQL Connections

Specifies when to close inactive SQL Server connections. The value specifies the age at which to close connections. While a connection is inactive, starting from zero, the age is increased by one every 30 seconds. When the age of the inactive connection reaches the specified value, the connection is closed. A value of 0 means that inactive SQL connections will not be closed.

Default: 10

Database Instance

The name of the SQL Server database instance to connect to. If the value is a null string (""), Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance connects to the default database instance of SQL Server.

If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as a multitenant server instance, then this setting specifies the SQL Server database instance that hosts the application database.

Default: NAVDEMO

Database Name

The name of the Microsoft Dynamics NAV database in SQL Server.

If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as multitenant server instance, then this setting specifies the application database.

Default: "Demo Database NAV (9-0)"

Database Server

A valid network name for the computer that is running SQL Server.

If the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance is configured as multitenant server instance, then this setting specifies the computer that hosts the application database.

Default: The computer that you selected in Microsoft Dynamics NAV Setup.

Disable Smart SQL

Specifies whether the SmartSql performance optimization feature is disabled.

SmartSql converts FIND calls and FlowField calculations into a single SQL statement. This can improve performance when running pages that contain FlowFields. However, it can be helpful to disable SmartSQL when troubleshooting database queries because statements are separated into more discrete statements.

Default: Disabled (check box is selected)

Enable Buffered Insert

Specifies whether to buffer rows that are being inserted into a SQL Server database table.

When this parameter is enabled, up to 5 rows will be buffered in the table queue before they are inserted into the table.

To optimize performance in a production environment, you should enable this parameter. In a test environment, you can disable this parameter to help debug failures that occur when you insert rows in an SQL database table. For more information, see Bulk Inserts.

Default: Enabled

Enable Encryption on SQL Server Connections

Specifies whether the SQL connect string should request encryption when connecting to SQL Server services.

Enable Trust of SQL Server Certificate

Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server should trust the SQL Server certificate.

SQL Command Timeout

The contextual time-out for a SQL command.

Default: 0:30:00

Enable SQL Parameters by Ordinal

Specifies whether parameters in SQL statements are referenced by their ordinal number.

Enabling this setting improves performance when using buffered inserts.

Default: Enabled

Client Services Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the Client Services tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Chunk Size

The default size for a chunk of data that is transferred between Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client, in kilobytes.

Default: 28

The range of values is from 4 to 80.

Compression Threshold

The threshold in memory consumption at which Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server starts compressing datasets, in kilobytes.

Default: 64

Enable Client Services

Specifies whether client services are enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: Enabled

Federation Metadata Location

Specifies the location of the federation metadata that is used to establish a trust relationship with between Microsoft Dynamics NAV and an application that you have added to Azure AD, such as<tenant>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml. For more information, see Authenticating Users with Azure Active Directory.

This parameter is relevant only when Credential Type, on the General tab, is set to AccessControlService.

Idle Client Timeout

The interval of time that a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server client session can remain inactive before the session is dropped.

Time interval format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]


  • dd: days

  • hh: hours

  • mm: minutes

  • ss: seconds

  • ff: hundredths of a second

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no time-out. This is the default value.

Max Concurrent Connections

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent client connections that the current Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance accepts.

Default: 150

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no limit.

Max Items in Object Graph

The maximum number of objects to serialize or deserialize.

Default: 512

Max Number of Orphaned Connections

Specifies the maximum number of orphaned connections to be kept alive at the same time for the time that is specified by ReconnectPeriod.

A connection is orphaned when the client is involuntarily disconnected from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Default: 20

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no limit.

Max Upload Size

The maximum size of files that can be uploaded to or downloaded from Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server, in megabytes. Use this setting to avoid out-of-memory errors.

Default: 5

Operation Timeout

The maximum time that Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server can take to return a call from the client.

Time span format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]


  • dd: days

  • hh: hours

  • mm: minutes

  • ss: seconds

  • ff: hundredths of a second

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no time-out. This is the default value.


The listening HTTP port for client services.

Default: 704

Valid range: 1 - 65535

Prohibited File Types

Specifies a series of file name extensions, delimited by semi-colons. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server will not store files of any of the specified types when requested by clients.

Example values:

* (asterisk)All file types are prohibited.
Empty string ("")All file types are allowed.
List of file types separated by semi-colons. For example, "txt;xml;pdf". Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server will not store files of any of the specified types when requested by clients.

Protection Level

Specifies the security services for protecting the data stream between clients and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

All Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client clients connecting to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance must have the same ProtectionLevel value in their ClientUserSettings.config files. For more information, see Configuring the Windows Client.

For background information about transport security, see Understanding Protection Level (links to MSDN Library).

Default: EncryptAndSign

Values: EncryptAndSign, Sign, None

Reconnect Period

The time during which a client can reconnect to a running instance of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

Time span format: [dd.]hh:mm:ss[.ff]


  • dd: days

  • hh: hours

  • mm: minutes

  • ss: seconds

  • ff: hundredths of a second

Default: 00:10:00

You can also use MaxValue as a value to indicate no time limit.

Token Signing Key

Specifies the signing information that you obtain from the Azure management portal. The parameter value is a 256-bit symmetric token signing key for use with Azure Access Control service (ACS). This parameter is relevant only when Credential Type, on the General tab, is set to AccessControlService.

Web Client Base URL

Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to open hyperlinks to pages and reports in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. For example, you can change the value if you want to change the externally facing endpoint.

The base URL must have the following syntax:


This field maps to the PublicWebBaseUrl setting in the CustomSettings.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

For more information, see How to: Copy the URL to Open a Page or Report.

Windows Client Base URL

Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to open hyperlinks to pages and reports in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. For example, you can change the value if you want to change the externally facing endpoint.

The base URL must have the following syntax:


This field maps to the PublicWinBaseUrl setting in the CustomSettings.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

For more information, see How to: Copy the URL to Open a Page or Report.

SOAP Services Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the SOAP Services tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Enable SOAP Services

Specifies whether SOAP web services are enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: Enabled

Enable SSL

Specifies whether SSL (https) is enabled for the SOAP web service port. For more information, see Walkthrough: Configuring Web Services to Use SSL (SOAP and OData).

Default: Not enabled

Max Message Size

The maximum permitted size of a SOAP web services request, in kilobytes.

This setting also pertains to OData web services.

Default: 1024


The listening HTTP port for Microsoft Dynamics NAV SOAP web services.

Default: 7047

Valid range: 1 - 65535


Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access SOAP web services. For example, you can change the value if you want to change the externally facing endpoint.

The base URL must have the following syntax:


This field maps to the PublicSOAPBaseUrl setting in the CustomSettings.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

For more information, see How to: Copy the URL to Open a Page or Report.

OData Services Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the OData Services tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Enable OData Services

Specifies whether OData web services are enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: Enabled

Enable SSL

Specifies whether SSL (https) is enabled for the OData web service port. For more information, see Walkthrough: Configuring Web Services to Use SSL (SOAP and OData).

Default: Not enabled

Max Page Size

Specifies the maximum number of entities returned per page of OData results. For more information, see Server-Driven Paging in OData Web Services.

Default: 1000

OData Base URL

Specifies the root of the URLs that are used to access OData web services. For example, you can change the value if you want to change the externally facing endpoint.

The base URL must have the following syntax:


This field maps to the PublicODataBaseUrl setting in the CustomSettings.config file for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

For more information, see How to: Copy the URL to Open a Page or Report.


The listening HTTP port for Microsoft Dynamics NAV OData web services.

Default: 7048

Valid range: 1 - 65535


The maximum permitted size of an OData web services request is specified by the Max Message Size option on the SOAP Services tab.

NAS Services Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the NAS Services tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Enable Debugging

Specifies if the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Debugger must attach to the NAS Services session. When this is enabled, the NAS Services session waits 60 seconds before the first C/AL statement is run.

Retry Attempts per Day

Specifies the maximum number of times that a Microsoft Dynamics NAV NAS Service session can restart after a failure. After the next failure, the NAS Service session stops.

Run NAS Services with Admin Rights

Specifies whether NAS services run operations with administrator rights instead of the rights granted to the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account.

  • If you select this setting, NAS services will have full permissions in Microsoft Dynamics NAV, similar to the permissions that are granted by the SUPER permission set. The Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account is not required to be set up as a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

  • If you clear this setting, the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service account must be added as a user in Microsoft Dynamics NAV and assigned the permissions that are required to perform the operations.

Startup Argument

Specifies a string argument that will be used when NAS services start. The argument typically specifies an application type, sometimes with additional configuration information.

Example values:

  • "OSYNCH"


Startup Codeunit

Specifies the codeunit that contains the method that will be called by the NASStartupMethod setting.

Example values:

  • 0

    When NASStartupCodeunit is set to 0, NAS Services do not start. This is the default value.

  • 1

    When NAS services start, they run the trigger specified by the NAS Startup Method in codeunit 1.

  • 450

    When NAS services start, they run codeunit 450 (Job Queue – NAS Start Up), and call the method specified by NASStartupMethod.

    When the codeunit specified by NASStartupCodeunit is a single instance codeunit, the NAS service session will remain alive even after you run all code in the specified NASStartupMethod. For information about single instance codeunits, see Using Codeunits.

Startup Method

Specifies the method that will be called in the NASStartupCodeunit.

Example values:

  • ""

    If no start method is specified (null string), the OnRun trigger is called.

  • StartNAS

    NAS services runs the StartNAS method in the NAS Startup Codeunit.

Management Services Tab Settings

The following table describes fields on the Management Services tab in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Setting Description

Enable Management Services

Specifies whether Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool is enabled for this Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance.

Default: Enabled


The listening TCP port for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool.

Default: 7045

Valid range: 1 - 65535

Using Microsoft Dynamics NAV Administration Shell Cmdlets to Modify Settings

The Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Administration Shell includes several cmdlets that enable you to create and modify Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instances. Use the Set- cmdlets to modify a setting on a Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server instance. For example, you can change the value for DatabaseServer to DatabaseServer.Domain.Com for the server instance named MyInstance by executing this cmdlet:

Set-NAVServerConfiguration MyInstance -KeyName DatabaseServer -KeyValue DatabaseServer.Domain.Com

To display all the Set- cmdlets on the Windows PowerShell console, use the following command:

Get-Help Set-NAVServer*

For more information, see Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

See Also


How to: Specify When UI Elements Are Removed


Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration Tool
Enhancing Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Security
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows PowerShell Cmdlets
Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV Help Server
Configuring Microsoft SQL Server
Configuring the Windows Client
Configuring Microsoft Dynamics NAV