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How to: Add a FactBox to a Page

A FactBox is an area on the right side of a page that can display additional pages, charts, or system parts. To add a FactBox to a page, you add the FactBox area, and then add parts that contain charts, system parts, or pages of the ChartPart type or ListPart type.


When creating a new page, you can use the page wizard to add a FactBox to the page. For more information, see How to: Create a Page.

Adding a FactBox Area to a Page

You define the FactBox by adding a FactBoxArea container control to the page. The FactBoxArea control acts as a placeholder to which you can add different parts for the FactBox. You can add a FactBoxArea control on the following page types only:

  • Card

  • Document

  • List

  • ListPlus

  • Navigate

  • Worksheet


Only one FactBoxArea control is allowed on a page.

To add a FactBox to a page

  1. In the development environment, on the Tools menu, choose Object Designer.

  2. In Object Designer, choose Page, select the page you want to modify, and then choose the Design button to open Page Designer.

  3. In Page Designer, select the blank row after the last page control.

  4. In the row, set the Type column to Container and the SubType column to FactBoxArea.

  5. In the Caption column, type the text that you want to appear as the heading for the FactBox.

  6. Choose the left arrow button at the bottom of Page Designer until the FactBoxArea control is at the same level as the ContentArea control.

Adding a Page to the FactBox

You can add a part to the FactBox area that displays an existing page of the CardPart or ListPart type only. If you attempt to use another page type, you will get an error.


This procedure assumes that the page that you want to display in the FactBox already exists. If not, create the page before proceeding. For an example of creating a CardPart page for using in a FactBox, see Walkthrough: Adding a FactBox to the Customer List Page.

To add a page to the FactBox

  1. Add a blank row under the FactBoxArea control.

  2. In the blank row, set the Type column to Part and the SubType column to Page.

  3. Select the row, and on the View menu, choose Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, in the Value column of the PagePartID property, choose the up arrow.

  5. In the Page List window, select the page you want, and then choose the OK button.

  6. Close the Properties window. The selected page now appears in the Name and Caption columns of the Page Designer for the Page row.

Filtering Data that is Displayed on a Page in a FactBox

In many cases, you want to change the content that is displayed on the page in the FactBox based on the content of the main page. For example, if the main page is a Customer List, you can have a FactBox that includes the Customer Details page that shows information about a customer. When a user selects a customer in the Customer List, the Customer Details page displays information about the selected customer. To implement this functionality, you set up a table filter that associates a field in the table that is used by the Customer Details page with a field in the table that is used by the Customer List page. You can also filter on a constant value or set of conditions.

To set up filter on the page in the FactBox

  1. Select the Page row, and on the View menu, choose Properties.

  2. In the Properties window, in the Value field of the SubPageLink property, choose the Assist Edit button.

  3. In the Table Filter window, in the Field column of a row, choose the up arrow.

    The Field List window opens and displays all the fields in the table that are used by the page in the FactBox.

  4. Select the field on which you want to filter, and then choose the OK button.

  5. Set up the filter as follows:

    If you want to Then

    Associate the field with a field in table of the main page

    1. Set the Type column to FIELD.

    2. Set the Value column to the field in the table of the main page.

    Filter on a constant value

    1. Set the Type column to CONST.

    2. In the Value column, type the constant.

    Filter on a set of conditions

    1. Set the Type column to FILTER.

    2. In the Value column, type the conditions.

  6. Choose the OK button. The filter statement appears in the SubPageLink property value of the Properties window.

Adding a Chart to the FactBox

Charts provide a way to display data graphically. You can add any existing chart that is included in table 2000000078 Chart.


Charts are not supported in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. If the page is displayed in this display target, then the chart part is ignored.

To add a chart to the FactBox

  1. In Page Designer, add a blank row under the FactBoxArea control.

  2. In the blank row, set the Type column to Part and the SubType column to Chart.

  3. Select the row, and on the View menu, choose Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, in the Value column of the ChartPartID property, choose the up arrow.

  5. In the Chart List window, select the chart that you want, and then choose the OK button.

  6. Close the Properties window. The selected chart now appears in the Name and Caption columns of the Page Designer for the Chart row.

Adding a System Part the FactBox

You can add any of the following system parts to a FactBox on a page in the RoleTailored client: Microsoft Outlook, Notes, MyNotes, or RecordLinks.


System parts are not supported in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client. If the page is displayed in this display target, then the system part is ignored.

For more information about system parts, see Touring the RoleTailored Client Pages.

To add a system part to the FactBox

  1. In Page Designer, add a blank row below the FactBoxArea control.

  2. In the blank row, set the Type column to Part and the SubType column to System.

  3. Select the row, and on the View menu, choose Properties.

  4. In the Properties window, in the SystemPartID property, set the Value column to the system part you want.

  5. Close the window. The selected system part now appears in the Name and Caption columns of the Page Designer for the System row.

See Also


Walkthrough: Adding a FactBox to the Customer List Page
How to: Create a Page


Adding a FactBox to Page