COPYSTR Function (Code, Text)
Copies a substring of any length from a specific position in a string (text or code) to a new string.
NewString := COPYSTR(String, Position[, Length])
Type: Text constant or code
The string that you want to copy from.
Type: Integer
The position of the first character to copy. If the value of Position is less than 1, then the COPYSTR function returns an error. If Position is greater than the length of the string, then the COPYSTR function returns an empty string.
Type: Integer
The number of characters to copy. If the value of Length is less than 0, then the COPYSTR function returns an error. If the value of Length causes Position + Length to be > (total length of the string), then the result includes all the characters from Position to the end of the string. If you omit Length, then the resulting string includes all the characters from Position to the end of the string.
Type: Text constant or code
The resulting string or substring.
If Position combined with Length exceeds the length of the string, all the characters from Position to the end of the string are returned.
This example requires that you create the following variables and text constants in the C/AL Globals window.
Variable name | DataType | Length |
Str | Text | 30 |
Position | Integer | Not applicable |
Length | Integer | Not applicable |
NewStr | Text | 30 |
Text constant | ENU value |
Text000 | Using the COPYSTR function |
Text001 | The original string is:>%1< |
Text002 | The copied string is:>%1< |
Str := Text000;
Position := 7;
Length := 8;
MESSAGE(Text001, Str);
NewStr := COPYSTR(Str, Position, Length);
MESSAGE(Text002, NewStr);
The first message window shows the original string:
The original string is:
>Using the COPYSTR function<
The second message window shows the copied string:
The copied string is:
>the COPY<