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customers resource type

Represents a customer in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Dynamics NAV see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET customers customers Gets a customer.
POST customers customers Creates a customer.
PATCH customers customers Updates a customer.
DELETE customers none Deletes a customer.


Method Return Type Description
GET customer defaultDimensions default dimensions Gets the default dimensions of customer.
POST customer defaultDimensions default dimensions Creates the default dimensions of customer.
PATCH customer defaultDimensions default dimensions Updates the default dimensions of customer.
DELETE customer defaultDimensions default dimensions Deletes the default dimensions of customer.


Property Type Description
id GUID The unique ID of the item. Non-editable.
number string The customer number.
displayName string Specifies the customer's name. This name will appear on all sales documents for the customer.
type string Specifies the type of customer, can be "Company" or "Person".
address NAV.PostalAddress Specifies the customer's address. This address will appear on all sales documents for the customer.
phoneNumber string Specifies the customer's telephone number.
email string Specifies the customer's email address.
website string Specifies the customer's home page address.
taxLiable boolean Specifies if the customer or vendor is liable for sales tax. Set to true if the customer is tax liable.
taxAreaId GUID Specifies which tax area the customer belongs to.
taxAreaDisplayName string Specified the display name of the tax area the customer belongs to.
taxRegistrationNumber string, maximum size 20 Specified the tax registration number of the customer.
currencyId GUID Specifies which currency the customer uses.
currencyCode numeric The default currency code for the customer.
paymentTermsId GUID Specifies which payment term the customer uses.
paymentTerms NAV.PaymentTermsType Specifies a code that indicates the payment terms that you require of the customer.
paymentMethodId GUID Specifies which payment method the customer uses.
paymentMethod NAV.PaymentMethod Specifies how the customer usually submits payment, such as bank transfer or check.
shipmentMethodId GUID Specifies which shipment method the customer uses.
shipmentMethod NAV.ShipmentMethod Specifies which shipment method to use when you ship items to the customer.
blocked string Specifies that transactions with the customer cannot be posted. Set to All, if the customer is blocked, set to blank if not blocked.
balance numeric Specifies the payment amount that the customer owes for completed sales. This value is also known as the customer's balance. Read-Only.
overdueAmount numeric Specifies the customer's overdue amount.
totalSalesExcludingTax numeric Specifies the total sales amount excluding tax of the customer.
lastModifiedDateTime datetime The last datetime the customer was modified. Read-Only.


A Currency(currencyCode) must exist in the Currencies table.

A Payment Term(paymentTerms) must exist in the Payment Terms table.

A Shipment Method(shipmentMethod) must exist in the Shipment Method table.

A Payment Method(paymentMethod) must exist in the Payment Method table.

A Tax Area(taxArea) must exist in the Tax Area table.

JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

    "id": "GUID",
    "number": "string",
    "displayName": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "address": NAV.PostalAddress,
    "phoneNumber": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "website": "string",
    "taxLiable": "boolean",
    "taxAreaId": "GUID",
    "taxAreaDisplayName": "string",
    "taxRegistrationNumber": "string",
    "currencyCode": "string",
    "paymentTermsId": "GUID",
    "shipmentMethod": NAV.ShipmentMethod,
    "paymentMethod":  NAV.PaymentMethod,
    "blocked": "string",
    "balance": "decimal",
    "overdueAmount": "numeric",
    "totalSalesExcludingTax": "numeric",
    "lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime"

See also

Working with Dynamics 365 Business Central in Microsoft Graph
Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Endpoints for the APIs
Error Codes
Get Customers
Post Customers
Patch Customers
Delete Customers