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vendorPurchases resource type

Represents a vendor purchase in Dynamics 365 Business Central.


For information about enabling APIs for Dynamics NAV see Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central.


Method Return Type Description
GET vendorPurchases vendorPurchases Gets a vendor purchase object.


Property Type Description
vendorId GUID Represents the vendor ID.
vendorNumber string Represents the vendor number.
name string Represents the name of the vendor .
totalPurchaseAmount numeric Represents the vendor purchases.
dateFilter_FilterOnly date Represents the date filter for the vendor purchases.



JSON representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

    "vendorId": "GUID",
    "vendorNumber": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "totalPurchaseAmount": "decimal",
    "dateFilter_FilterOnly": "date"

See also

Graph Reference
Working with Dynamics 365 Business Central in Microsoft Graph
Enabling the APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central
Endpoints for the APIs
Error Codes
Get Vendor Purchases