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RUN Function (Codeunit)

Loads and executes the unit of C/AL code you specify. To use this function, you can specify a table associated with the codeunit when you defined the codeunit properties. This allows you to pass a variable with the function. The transaction that the codeunit contains is always committed due to the Boolean return value.


[Ok :=] Codeunit.RUN(VAR Record)  


Type: Codeunit

Identifies the codeunit that you want to run.

VAR Record
Type: Record

This parameter is not always optional. If you specify a table associated with the codeunit, then you can select a record. If you do not specify a table, then you cannot specify a record. However, you must use this parameter to select a record if you attached a record to the codeunit when you defined its properties.

This parameter is a record data type.

Property Value/Return Value

Type: Boolean

If you do not include the optional return value and an error occurs while the codeunit is running, then the C/AL code that called this codeunit will terminate.

If you include the return value and an error occurs, then the calling C/AL code continues to run. This means that you must handle any errors. If you include the return value, the variables used in the codeunit will be cleared before and after the codeunit runs.

true if no errors occurred; otherwise, false.


This example runs two codeunits. The first uses a record parameter. The second is defined without a source table. This example requires that you create the following variables.

Variable name DataType Subtype
FiscalYearCloseInstance Codeunit Fiscal Year-Close
AppMgmtInstance Codeunit ApplicationManagement
AccountRecord Record Accounting Period
IF NOT FiscalYearCloseInstance.RUN(AccountRecord) THEN  
  ERROR('Codeunit run failed (with record).');  
IF NOT AppMgmtInstance.RUN THEN  
  ERROR('Codeunit run failed.');  

See Also

Codeunit Data Type