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How to: Print Payment Files

After you have printed a test report and corrected all errors, you can print the payment journal lines to a payment file.

A payment file contains either domestic, international, SEPA, or non-euro SEPA payments. The file can be sent to a bank either on disk, by modem, or via Interbanks Standards Association Belgium (Isabel). You can only create one file for each posting date and each currency code. When you export the payments to a file, an accompanying note is printed, which can also be sent to the bank.

In the payment journal, the Status field on the exported lines will be set to Posted.

To print a payment file

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Payment Journal, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description
    Batch Name Specify the batch name of the payment journal.
    Bank Account Specify the bank account of the payment journal.
    Export Protocol Specify the export protocol code of the payment journal line. Export protocols control which payment file will be generated in the payment journal.

    You can have a mixture of export formats in a single batch, such as domestic, international, SEPA, or a combination of these. However, when exporting the payment lines to a file, you can only use one export format, or export protocol. Note: By defining the export protocol, you also define the type of validation that will be performed in the payment journal.
  3. Choose the Check Payment Lines action.

    The Export Check Error Logs window displays any errors that may exist. If there are errors, you must fix the errors before you can continue.

  4. If there are no errors, choose the Export Payment Lines action.

    The report that you specified in the Test Report ID field in the EB Payment Journal Templates will open.

  5. Choose the Print button.

See Also

Dynamics 365 Business Central
Belgian Electronic Banking
Belgian Electronic Payments
How to: Set Up Electronic Banking
How to: Set Up IBLC-BLWI Transaction Codes
How to: Set Up Vendors for Automatic Payment Suggestions
How to: Generate Payment Suggestions
How to: Create Payment Journal Templates and Batches
How to: Test Electronic Payments
How to: Manage Electronic Payment Lines