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How to: Import Swiss Post Codes

You can import the latest post code file and use it to update the Post Code table. The post code file can be downloaded from the Swiss Post website. After importing the latest post code, you can define post codes for customers or vendors. For more information, see How to: Register New Vendors.

To import post codes

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Post Codes, and then choose the related link.

  2. Choose the Import Post Codes action.

  3. In the Import Post Codes window, in the Filename field, enter the name of the post code file that you want to import to the Post Code table.

  4. Choose the OK button.

    The latest post code information is imported.

The following procedure describes how to define post codes for customers, but the same steps also apply to defining post codes for vendors.

To define post codes for customers

  1. Choose the Search for Page or Report icon, enter Customers, and then choose the related link.

  2. Select the customer for whom you want to define a post code, and then choose the Edit action.

  3. In the Customer Card window, on the General FastTab, in the Post Code field, select the post code for the customer's address.


    When you select the post code, the City and Country/Region Code fields populate automatically with the information from the Post Code table. For more information, see How to: Register New Customers.

  4. Choose the OK button.

See Also

Swiss Purchase Documents and Sales Documents
How to: Set Up Automatic Archiving of Documents in Switzerland
How to: Print an Inventory Picking List from a Sales Order
How to: Print Sales and Purchase Orders During Batch Posting
How to: Register New Vendors