CallSiteEvent |
Describes a point from which a call is made. |
ChainEvent |
Represents a recorded point from a running application. |
CheckpointEventChain |
Represents a recorded point from a running application. |
CheckpointStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of checkpoint points recorded from a running application. CheckpointStreamEventChain is a LogStreamEventChain and only loads data into memory when GetEvent or GetEvents is called. |
CollectionPlanEvent |
Describes a collection plan event. |
DebugDirectory |
Describes the debug directory information from the module. |
DerivedEventChain |
Represents a chain of points that are recorded from a running application as an in-memory cache of points. |
EventChain |
Represents a chain of points that are recorded from a running application. |
ExceptionCatcherEnter |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a catch handler. |
ExceptionCatcherExit |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a catch handler. |
ExceptionEvent |
Describes a point in the exception pipeline processing. |
ExceptionIndexStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of exception marker points recorded from a running application. |
ExceptionMarkerEvent |
Describes an exception marker point, which is used to index exceptions in the ThreadEventChain or ThreadStreamEventChain. |
ExceptionSearchCatcherFound |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search finds an exception handler. |
ExceptionSearchFilterEnter |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search enters an exception filter. |
ExceptionSearchFilterExit |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search exits an exception filter. |
ExceptionSearchFunctionEnter |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search enters a function. |
ExceptionSearchFunctionExit |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception search exits a function. |
ExceptionThrownEvent |
Describes the point in a running application where an exception was thrown and the raw data was collected about that exception. |
ExceptionUnwindFinallyEnter |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a finally block. |
ExceptionUnwindFinallyExit |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a finally block. |
ExceptionUnwindFunctionEnter |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind enters a function. |
ExceptionUnwindFunctionExit |
Describes the point in the exception pipeline processing where the exception unwind exits a function. |
FilteredListEventChain |
Provides a filtered chain of points recorded from a running application. |
ListEventChain |
Provides a list of points recorded from a running application. |
LogStreamEventChain |
Provides a stream of points recorded from a running application. |
MethodEnterEvent |
Describes the start of a method and its raw parameter data from a running application. |
MethodExitEvent |
Describes the end of a method and its raw outputs from a running application. |
ModuleIsUserCodeEvent |
Describes the "module is user code" point. |
ModuleLoadEvent |
Describes the module load event. |
ModuleMetadataEvent |
Describes the module metadata event. |
ModuleTokenEvent |
Describes the module token event. |
ModuleUnloadEvent |
Describes the module unload event. |
NotifyPointCheckpointEvent |
Describes the diagnostic event checkpoint event in a trace log. |
NotifyPointCheckpointEventChain |
Provides a chain of diagnostic points recorded from a running application. |
NotifyPointEvent |
Describes a diagnostic point. |
NotifyPointEventChain2 |
Provides a chain of diagnostic points recorded from a running application. |
NotifyPointStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of diagnostic points recorded from a running application. NotifyPointStreamEventChain is a LogStreamEventChain and only loads data into memory as GetEvent or GetEvents is called. |
NullEvent |
Describes a null point, which is a point that can be ignored. |
OrdinalEvent |
Describes a point ordered in time, relative to other ordinal events. Most recorded points are OrdinalEvents. |
PartitionedListEventChain |
Provides a list of points recorded from a running application. |
PartitioningEvent |
Describes a point that can be used to partition large streams of recorded application data into partitions. |
ProcessDestroyedEvent |
This event occurs when a process that is being recorded exits. |
ProcessEventChain |
Provides a list of process-related points recorded from an application. |
ProcessInformationEvent |
Describes a process information event. |
ProcessStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of process-related points recorded from a running application. |
ResolvedCallSiteEvent |
Describes a CallSiteEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedExceptionEvent |
Describes one of the exception points and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedExceptionThrownEvent |
Describes a ExceptionThrownEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedMethod |
Describes a method and decodes the raw data that is collected about a method. |
ResolvedMethodEnterEvent |
Describes a MethodEnterEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedMethodEvent |
Describes one of the method-level points and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedMethodExitEvent |
Describes a MethodExitEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedNotifyPointEvent |
Describes a NotifyPointEvent and decodes the raw data that was collected at the point. |
ResolvedStackFrame |
Describes a StackFrame and decodes the raw stack frame data that was collected. |
RootEventChain |
Represents a chain of points that are recorded from a running application with optional support for read and append. |
SavedMetadataEvent |
Describes saved metadata for a module. |
SavedMetadataStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of saved metadata points recorded from a running application. |
SourceLocation |
Describes a source range (starting line and column to ending line and column) in a source file. |
StackFrame |
Describes a stack frame on a call stack of a thread. |
SystemInfoEvent |
Describes a system information event. |
TailCallSiteEvent |
Describes the point in a method where a tail call occurs. |
TestCaseEndEvent |
Describes a test case end event. |
TestCaseEvent |
Describes the properties of a test-case event. |
TestCasePauseEvent |
Describes a test case pause event. |
TestCaseResetEvent |
Describes a test case reset event. |
TestCaseResumeEvent |
Describes a test case resume event. |
TestCaseStartEvent |
Describes a test case start event. |
TestEventChain |
Provides a chain of test points recorded from a running application. |
TestSessionEndEvent |
Describes a test session end event. |
TestSessionEvent |
Describes the common properties of a test session event. |
TestSessionPauseEvent |
Describes a test session pause event. |
TestSessionResumeEvent |
Describes a test session resume event. |
TestSessionStartEvent |
Describes a test session start event. |
TestStepEndEvent |
Describes a test step end event. |
TestStepEvent |
Describes the common properties of a test step event. |
TestStepStartEvent |
Describes a test step start event. |
TestStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of test points that are recorded from a running application. |
TfsContextEvent |
ThreadCheckpointEvent |
Describes the checkpoint event for a thread in a trace log. |
ThreadCheckpointEventChain |
Provides a chain of thread checkpoints recorded from a running application. |
ThreadCreateEvent |
Describes the thread create event. |
ThreadDestroyEvent |
Describes the thread destroy event. |
ThreadEventChain |
Provides a chain of thread-related points recorded from a running application. |
ThreadNameChangedEvent |
Describes the thread name changed event. |
ThreadStreamEventChain |
Provides a chain of checkpoint points that are recorded from a running application. |
TraceDebugLogFile |
Describes a trace debug log file. |
TraceDebugLogFileBase |
Describes a trace debug log file. |
TraceModule |
Describes a module from a trace debug log file. |
TraceProcess |
TraceProcess represents a process from a trace debug log file. |
TraceThread |
Describes a thread from a trace debug log file. |
UIRecordedEvent |
Describes a point recorded from user interaction. |
WovenEventChain |
Provides a chain of points that consist of a set of underlying chains. |