Bing Maps Silverlight Control Version Changelist

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This topic describes changes to the Bing Maps Silverlight Control in Version 1.0.1 and Version 1.0.

New Features in Version 1.0.1

The following table lists the types and members that were added to the Bing Maps Silverlight Control in Version 1.0.1.

Name Description


Gets a bool indicating whether map data is still downloading.


Gets a bool indicating whether the inertia animation effect is being used for the drag.


Provides data for the events fired for the TouchPan event.


Provides data for the TouchComplete event.


Provides data for the TouchRotate event.


Provides data for the TouchZoom event.


Gets a bool indicating whether map data is still downloading.


Contains the method used to request a copyright string for the map data shown for a given a view.


Contains copyright strings returned to the callback of the RequestCopyrightString method.


When overridden in a derived class, gets a bool indicating whether map data is downloading.


When overridden in a derived class, occurs when a touch of the map on the screen finishes.


When overridden in a derived class, occurs when the screen is touched and dragged to pan the map. This event occurs every frame.


When overridden in a derived class, occurs when the map is rotated using touch. This event occurs when a touch point is dragged in a circle around a stationary touch point.


When overridden in a derived class, occurs when the map is touched to zoom the map. The map can be zoomed in using touch by tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points together. The map can be zoomed out using touch by holding the CTRL key down and tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points apart.


Gets a bool indicating whether map data is downloading.


Occurs when a touch of the map on the screen finishes.


Occurs when the screen is touched and dragged to pan the map. This event occurs every frame.


Occurs when the map is rotated using touch. This event occurs when a touch point is dragged in a circle around a stationary touch point.


Occurs when the map is touched to zoom the map. The map can be zoomed in using touch by tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points together. The map can be zoomed out using touch by holding the CTRL key down and tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points apart.


Gets or sets whether to use the inertia animation effect during map navigation.


Gets or sets the rate of deceleration of the inertia animation effect.


Gets or sets whether the map data is downloading.

Feature Changes in Version 1.0

This following table lists changes to the Bing Maps Silverlight Control, Version 1.0 since the Bing Maps Silverlight Control (CTP) release. It does not list all new types and members.

Name Change Description

Silverlight version requirement

This release of the Bing Maps Silverlight Control requires Silverlight 3 instead of Silverlight 2.

Bing Maps Key requirement

You now need to set valid credentials for the map control to function properly. Information about setting credentials is found in the Accessing the Control Using a Bing Maps Key topic.


Assembly name changed. In addition, the map control types are now found in two assemblies. To use the map control you must reference both the Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.dll and the Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Common.dll in your project.

Microsoft.VirtualEarth.MapControl namespace

Namespace name changed to Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.

Microsoft.VirtualEarth.MapControl.Core namespace

Namespace name changed to Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Core.

Microsoft.VirtualEarth.MapControl.Design namespace

Namespace name changed to Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Design.

Microsoft.VirtualEarth.MapControl.Navigation namespace

Namespace name changed to Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Navigation.

Microsoft.VirtualEarth.MapControl.Overlays namespace

Namespace name changed to Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Overlays.

AerialWithLabelsMode class

Removed. Use the Labels property of the AerialMode class to display labels.

INavigationBarCommand interface


Location class

Changed from a struct to a class.

LocationRect class

Changed from a struct to a class.

MapBase class

Many members have changed. Use the Children property to add and remove child elements.

MapForeground class

New class that provides more control of the map foreground elements such as the navigation bar and scale bar.

MapItemsControl class

New class that enables data binding.

MapLayer class

Many members have changed. This class now inherits from MapLayerBase. Use the Children property to add and remove child elements.

MapMode class

Many members have changed.

MapViewSpecification class

Removed. Use the SetView method to set the map view. You can also use the map view properties Center, ZoomLevel, Heading, and Pitch.

MapViewSpecificationConverter class


NavigationBar class

New class that allows customization of the map navigation bar.

PositionMethod enumeration

Removed. Use the PositionOrigin struct instead.

Pushpin class

New class that allows you to add pushpins to the map easily.