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MapCore Members

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Represents the map.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MapCore type.

Protected Constructors

  Name Description
MapCore Initializes a new instance of the MapCore class.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties)

  Name Description
public property ActualHeight  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property ActualWidth  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property AnimationLevel Overridden. Gets or sets the animation level of the map.
public property Background  (inherited from Control)
public property BorderBrush  (inherited from Control)
public property BorderThickness  (inherited from Control)
public property BoundingRectangle Overridden. Gets the rectangle that defines the boundaries of the map view.
public property CacheMode  (inherited from UIElement)
public property Center  When overridden in a derived class, gets the center location of the map view. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Children  Gets the child elements of the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Clip  (inherited from UIElement)
public property CopyrightVisibility  Gets or sets the visibility of the copyright on the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property CredentialsProvider  Gets or sets the type of credentials that are being provided. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Culture  Gets or sets the culture used by the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Cursor  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property DataContext  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property DesiredSize  (inherited from UIElement)
public property Dispatcher  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public property Effect  (inherited from UIElement)
public property FontFamily  (inherited from Control)
public property FontSize  (inherited from Control)
public property FontStretch  (inherited from Control)
public property FontStyle  (inherited from Control)
public property FontWeight  (inherited from Control)
public property Foreground  (inherited from Control)
public property Heading  When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the directional heading of the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Height  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property HorizontalAlignment  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property HorizontalContentAlignment  (inherited from Control)
public property IsDownloading Overridden. Gets a bool indicating whether map data is downloading.
public property IsEnabled  (inherited from Control)
public property IsHitTestVisible  (inherited from UIElement)
public property IsTabStop  (inherited from Control)
public property Language  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property LogoVisibility  Gets or sets the visibility of the logo on the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Margin  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MaxHeight  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MaxWidth  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MinHeight  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property MinWidth  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Mode Overridden. Gets or sets the map mode.
public property Name  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property NavigationVisibility  Gets or sets the visibility of the navigation bar. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Opacity  (inherited from UIElement)
public property OpacityMask  (inherited from UIElement)
public property Padding  (inherited from Control)
public property Parent  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property Pitch  Gets or sets the pitch of the map. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Projection  (inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderSize  (inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderTransform  (inherited from UIElement)
public property RenderTransformOrigin  (inherited from UIElement)
public property Resources  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property ScaleVisibility  Gets or sets the visibility of the scale bar. (inherited from MapBase)
public property Style  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property TabIndex  (inherited from Control)
public property TabNavigation  (inherited from Control)
public property Tag  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property TargetBoundingRectangle Overridden. Gets the bounding rectangle that defines the boundaries of the map view towards which the map is animating.
public property TargetCenter Overridden. Gets the center location of the map view towards which the map is animating.
public property TargetHeading Overridden. Gets the heading of the map view towards which the map is animating.
public property TargetPitch Overridden. Gets the pitch of the map view towards which the map is animating.
public property TargetZoomLevel Overridden. Gets the zoom level of the map view towards which the map is animating.
public property Template  (inherited from Control)
public property Triggers  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property UseInertia Gets or sets whether to use the inertia animation effect during map navigation.
public property UseLayoutRounding  (inherited from UIElement)
public property VerticalAlignment  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property VerticalContentAlignment  (inherited from Control)
public property ViewportSize Overridden. Gets the size of the viewport.
public property Visibility  (inherited from UIElement)
public property Width  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public property ZoomLevel  When overridden in a derived class, gets or sets the zoom level of the map. (inherited from MapBase)


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property Content  (inherited from UserControl)
protected property DefaultStyleKey  (inherited from Control)
protected property RootLayer  Gets the base map layer. (inherited from MapBase)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AddHandler  (inherited from UIElement)
public method ApplyTemplate  (inherited from Control)
public method Arrange  (inherited from UIElement)
public method CaptureMouse  (inherited from UIElement)
public method CheckAccess  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method ClearValue  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method FindName  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public method Focus  (inherited from Control)
public method GetAnimationBaseValue  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method GetBindingExpression  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method GetValue  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method InvalidateArrange  (inherited from UIElement)
public method InvalidateMeasure  (inherited from UIElement)
public method LocationToViewportPoint Overridden. Converts a location to a viewport point.
public method Measure  (inherited from UIElement)
public method OnApplyTemplate  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public method ReadLocalValue  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method ReleaseMouseCapture  (inherited from UIElement)
public method RemoveHandler  (inherited from UIElement)
public method SetBinding  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public method SetMode Overridden. Sets the map mode.
public method SetValue  (inherited from DependencyObject)
public method SetView Overloaded. Overridden. Sets the map view.
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)
public method TransformToVisual  (inherited from UIElement)
public method TryLocationToViewportPoint Overridden. Tries to converts a location to a viewport point.
public method TryViewportPointToLocation Overridden. Tries to convert a viewport point to a location.
public method UpdateLayout  (inherited from UIElement)
public method ViewportPointToLocation Overridden. Converts the specified viewport point to a location.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method ArrangeOverride Overridden. Arranges the elements to fit the given Size.
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method GetTemplateChild  (inherited from Control)
protected method MeasureOverride Overridden. Measures the map elements so that they fit within the map Size.
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)
protected method OnCenterChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the location of the center of the map changes.
protected method OnCreateAutomationPeer  Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when an automation peer is created. (inherited from UIElement)
protected method OnCredentialsProviderChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the credentials provider changes.
protected method OnCultureChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the culture of the map changes.
protected method OnFirstFrame Enables derived classes to provide custom handling on the first map frame.
protected method OnGotFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnHeadingChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the directional heading of the map changes.
protected method OnKeyDown Overridden. Raises the KeyDown keyboard event.
protected method OnKeyUp Overridden. Raises the KeyUp keyboard event.
protected method OnLostFocus  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnLostMouseCapture  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseEnter  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseLeave  (inherited from Control)
protected method OnMouseLeftButtonDown Overridden. Raises the MouseLeftButtonDown mouse event.
protected method OnMouseLeftButtonUp Overridden. Raises the MouseLeftButtonUp mouse event.
protected method OnMouseMove Overridden. Raises the MouseMove mouse event.
protected method OnMouseWheel Overridden. Raises the MouseWheel mouse event.
protected method OnOverlayVisibilityChanged  Enables derived classes to provide custom handling when the visibility of the map overlay changes. (inherited from MapBase)
protected method OnPitchChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the pitch of the map changes.
protected method OnZoomLevelChanged Overridden. Enables the ability to provide custom handling when the zoom level of the map changes.


Public Events

  Name Description
public event BindingValidationError  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public event GotFocus  (inherited from UIElement)
public event IsEnabledChanged  (inherited from Control)
public event KeyDown Overridden. Occurs when a key is pressed down.
public event KeyHeld Overridden. Occurs when the user presses and holds down a key or keys on the keyboard.
public event KeyPress Overridden. Occurs when the user presses a key on the keyboard.
public event KeyUp Overridden. Occurs when a key is released.
public event LayoutUpdated  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public event Loaded  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public event LoadingError Overridden. Occurs when there is an error loading the map.
public event LostFocus  (inherited from UIElement)
public event LostMouseCapture  (inherited from UIElement)
public event ModeChanged Overridden. Occurs when the map mode changes.
public event MouseClick Overridden. Occurs when the mouse is used to click the map.
public event MouseDoubleClick Overridden. Occurs when the mouse is used to double click the map.
public event MouseDragBox Overridden. Occurs when the mouse is used to drag a box around an area on the map.
public event MouseEnter  (inherited from UIElement)
public event MouseLeave  (inherited from UIElement)
public event MouseLeftButtonDown Overridden. Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed down.
public event MouseLeftButtonUp Overridden. Occurs when the left mouse button is released.
public event MouseMove Overridden. Occurs when the mouse moves.
public event MousePan Overridden. Occurs when the mouse is used to pan the map. The event occurs for every frame during the pan.
public event MouseWheel Overridden. Occurs when the mouse wheel is used.
public event SizeChanged  (inherited from FrameworkElement)
public event TargetViewChanged Overridden. Occurs when the view towards which the map is animating changes.
public event TouchComplete Overridden. Occurs when a touch of the map on the screen finishes.
public event TouchPan Overridden. Occurs when the screen is touched and dragged to pan the map. This event occurs every frame.
public event TouchRotate Overridden. Occurs when the map is rotated using touch. This event occurs when a touch point is dragged in a circle around a stationary touch point.
public event TouchZoom Overridden. Occurs when the map is touched to zoom the map. The map can be zoomed in using touch by tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points together. The map can be zoomed out using touch by holding the CTRL key down and tapping quickly twice, or by sliding two touch points apart.
public event ViewChangeEnd Overridden. Occurs when the view is done changing.
public event ViewChangeOnFrame Overridden. Occurs for every frame of a view change.
public event ViewChangeStart Overridden. Occurs when the view starts changing.


See Also


MapCore Class
Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Core Namespace