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Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK October 2010 Readme

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Welcome to the Microsoft® Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (SP1) Web Services Software Development Kit (SDK). This release includes new and updated information to help you develop collaborative enterprise applications for use with Exchange 2010 Web services. This file briefly describes the contents of the SDK.

The Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK provides documentation and code samples that illustrate important Exchange development techniques and APIs. The stand-alone code samples are provided in the Samples subfolder of the installation directory.
This Readme provides information about how to provide feedback, information about installation prerequisites, instructions for installing and removing the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK, and information about known issues, in the following sections:

  • Feedback and Support

  • Prerequisites

  • Installing the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK

  • Uninstalling the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK

  • Known Issues

Feedback and Support

The Exchange Developer Documentation team welcomes feedback on this documentation at Feedback from our customers is an important part of our development process. Please be aware that, although we read all the feedback mail, we cannot personally respond to your e-mail message. Thank you for helping us to develop a better product.

The Microsoft Exchange Server Web site provides product and licensing information for Microsoft Exchange, including white papers, product literature, Exchange-related events, service packs, and more. Visit the site frequently for new and updated content.

The Exchange Server Developer Center Web site on MSDN includes news, additional development information, downloads, technical articles, forums, and more. Visit the Exchange Server Developer Center frequently for new and updated developer information.

The Exchange Server TechCenter is your one-stop source for technical documentation about Microsoft Exchange. The library is a catalog of technical Exchange content that has been reviewed and approved by the Exchange product team at Microsoft.


The following are prerequisites for the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK:

  • Operating System    You can install the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK on computers that are running 32- or 64-bit versions of the Windows® XP, Windows Vista or Windows Server® 2003 operating systems.

  • Code Samples    The code samples provided with this SDK require Exchange Server 2010.

  • Microsoft .NET Framework    Some of the code samples require that the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2 or later versions be installed.

  • Document Explorer    This SDK requires that you install Microsoft Document Explorer 2005, or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or later versions. The installer for this SDK will determine whether an appropriate document explorer is available.

The sample applications provided in the SDK may have additional requirements. Before you compile or run the sample applications, read the documentation to learn about any additional requirements.

Installing the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK

You can install the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK on a computer that is running the Windows Installer.

To install the SDK

  1. If you have not done so already, download the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK, WebServicesSDK.msi, from the Microsoft Download Center.

  2. Locate and start the installer file, WebServicesSDK.msi.

  3. Follow the instructions that are provided by the Setup wizard.

By default, the Setup wizard installs the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK on the drive that contains the operating system (usually drive C), in the folder \Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server 2010 SP1\Web Services SDK October 2010.

Uninstalling the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK

To remove the SDK

  1. Locate and start the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK installer, WebServicesSDK.msi.

  2. Select Remove, and then click Next.

  3. When you are prompted, click Finish.

Known Issues

At the time of this release, there are no known issues with the Exchange Server 2010 SP1 Web Services SDK.