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Security and Privacy > Junk E-Mail and Phishing

Junk e-mail, also known as spam, can strain networks, clog e-mail servers, and fill mailboxes with unwanted and possibly offensive messages and images.

Links to external content, also known as Web beacons, are automatically blocked. Web beacons can alert junk e-mail senders to your presence and make you the target of even more junk e-mail messages.

For more information about how to manage junk e-mail, see Options > Junk E-Mail.

About Phishing

Phishing is a specific kind of junk e-mail that's used to obtain private information for use in identity theft and other scams. A phishing e-mail message appears to come from a trusted source, such as your bank, and frequently includes the business logo and an apparently legitimate reply address for the trusted source. These e-mail messages are designed to trick you into giving confidential information to the sender that you wouldn't ordinarily send over the Internet. This is usually information that a legitimate business would never request through an e-mail message.

For more information about how to identify phishing e-mail messages and how to protect yourself from them, see Email and web scams: How to help protect yourself.

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