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Use the Delivery Reports Tab to Get Delivery Information About Messages

Use the Delivery Reports tab to search and get delivery information about messages sent by you or sent to you. If you sent a message to five people, for example, you can check the status of the delivery of that message to each person.

You can get to the Delivery Reports tab by clicking Options > See All Options > Organize E-Mail > Delivery Reports from your e-mail. If you're unable to view a delivery report or don't see the Delivery Reports tab under your e-mail options in Outlook Web App, check if your browser is supported for Outlook Web App. For more information, see Supported Browsers for Outlook Web App and Exchange Online.

Search for Message Delivery Information

You can search for reports on messages you've sent by using the Search for messages I've sent to box. Or, you can use the Search for messages I've received from box to search for delivery information about messages someone has sent to you.

Section Description

Search for messages I've sent to

Leave this box empty if you want to view reports for all sent messages. Click Select users to select recipients from the shared address book or type each recipient's full e-mail address, separated by a semi colon or a comma, in the To box. Click OK when you're done adding recipients for the search.

Search for messages I've received from

You can enter only one address for each search. Click Select a user to choose the message sender's e-mail address from the shared address book or type the full e-mail address of the sender in the Select box. When you're done selecting, click OK.


Refine your search results by typing all or part of the subject line of the message within the quotation marks.

Search, Clear

Click Search or Clear to start a new search.

Search Results Pane

This pane shows a list of delivery reports for the messages you selected through your search. Double-click an item to see its delivery report.

Section Description

From, To

These columns show the e-mail address or display name of the sender or recipient of the message.


This column shows the subject line of the message.

Sent Time

This column shows the time of the message delivery or the delivery attempt.

Delivery Report

Click Delivery Report to receive a detailed status for a message you've selected or double-click the item. To learn more, see What's in the Delivery Report.


Click the refresh icon to update the delivery status in your search results.

What if I want to know more?