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Options > Regional Settings

Use this page to manage regional settings for Outlook Web App. You can choose from a list of available languages and date and time formats. The date and time settings adjust automatically based on the language you select. Changes to these settings take effect after you refresh the browser or sign out and sign in again.


This topic applies to the Outlook Web App Light. To read about this feature for the standard version of Outlook Web App, see Regional Tab.


This setting lets you change your language preference for Outlook Web App. The language settings are initially configured when you sign in to Outlook Web App for the first time. After you sign in and choose your language setting for Outlook Web App, you can use this page to modify the language setting.

Choose Language   Use the list of supported languages to set the language you want Outlook Web App to use.

Date and Time Formats

These settings let you set the date and time formats. Use the Current time zone list to select the format for various time and date formats that you want Outlook Web App to use. Configuring the language setting automatically adjusts these settings. However, modifying these settings won't change the language setting.

Date style   Select the date style from the options in the list.

Time style   Select the time style from the options in the list.

Time zone   Select your current time zone from the options in the list.

What else do I need to know?

  • The language of your Web browser doesn't affect the language used by Outlook Web App.
  • The default language for your mailbox can also be set by your system administrator.

What if I want to know more?