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What's in the Delivery Report

Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Microsoft Exchange, Live@edu

The Delivery Report dialog box shows you the delivery status and detailed delivery information for a message you sent or a message that was sent to you. If you're unable to view a delivery report or don't see the Delivery Reports tab under your e-mail options in Outlook Web App, check if your browser is supported for Outlook Web App. For more information, see Supported Browsers for Outlook Web App and Exchange Online.

  • Subject   The subject line of the message is displayed at the top of the report.
  • From   This shows the display name or e-mail address of the person who sent the message. The display name is usually the combination of a person's first name, middle name, and last name.
  • To   This shows the display name or e-mail address for each recipient of the message.
  • Sent   This shows the date and time that the message left the sender's mailbox.
  • Close   Click this at the bottom of the dialog box to exit the delivery report.

Summary to date

You will only see information under Summary to date if you sent a message to more than one recipient and you selected Search for messages I've sent to. This information includes the total number of recipients the message was sent to and a brief delivery status for each recipient. To see a detailed status for a recipient, select the recipient in the list.

Section Description


To get delivery information for an e-mail address that you've sent a message to, type the address in the search box, and then click the magnifying glass. This kind of search is especially useful if you don't see a recipient listed. The list displays up to 30 recipients. Clear the search by clicking X.


This column shows the display name or e-mail address of the recipient.


This column shows one of the following states for each recipient: Unsuccessful, Delivered, Transferred, Pending, Moved, or Group Expanded.


This column shows the date and time the message left the sender's mailbox.

E-Mail This Report Option

Click E-Mail This Report to launch a new e-mail message that contains a link to the selected delivery report. You can send the report to your helpdesk, your e-mail administrator, or the sender or recipient of the message.

Detailed delivery information

This section shows detailed delivery information.

Section Description

Delivery Report for

Shows the display name and e-mail address of the sender or recipient.


Shows the date and time the message was delivered to the recipient's e-mail server.


Shows the latest delivery state for the message. The message could have been delivered or could have another status, such as the following:

  • Unsuccessful   The message couldn't be delivered.
  • Transferred   The message was sent to an e-mail address via the Internet. The message can't be tracked after it goes to an external e-mail server.
  • Pending   Either the destination for the e-mail message hasn't yet been found or the message could be pending approval. (A message goes through an approval process when it's sent to a monitored e-mail address.)
  • Moved   The message was delivered but has been moved to another folder in the recipient's mailbox by an Inbox rule.
  • Group Expanded   The group e-mail address (like a mailing list containing e-mail addresses of recipients for the message) was expanded to deliver the message to each recipient in the group.

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