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Voice Mail Settings: Outlook Web App

Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Live@edu

After you've been enabled for voice mail access, you can edit and change settings for Call Answering Rules, Outlook Voice Access, text message and e-mail notifications, and Voice Mail Preview.

Call Answering Rules

Using the options in the Call Answering Rules section, you can create rules that let you specify how you want incoming calls to be handled. You can set up call answering rules to handle calls based on a condition such as the time of the day, transfer an incoming call to another phone number, or use the Find Me feature to call other phone numbers that you set up.

If you don't create call answering rules, incoming callers will be sent directly to your voice mail.

Call Answering - New Rule
  • Use the New Rule button to add a new call answering rule. By default, no rules are set up, so all callers will be forwarded to your voice mail when you're not available.
Call Answering - Edit Rule
  • Use the Edit button to change an existing call answering rule.
Delete Rule for Call Answering
  • Use the Delete button to remove an existing call answering rule.
Call Answering - Up Arrow
  • Use this to move a call answering rule up in the processing order.
Call Answering Down Arrow
  • Use this to move a call answering rule down in the processing order.

Reset PIN

You can reset your Outlook Voice Access PIN.

Outlook Voice Access - Reset My PIN
  • Use this setting to reset your voice mail PIN. After you do this, you'll receive a new temporary PIN in your Inbox. You use your PIN to access your mailbox and calendar information.

Outlook Voice Access

Using the options in the Outlook Voice Access section on the Voice Mail tab, you can select the order in which you want to hear new voice messages and select the e-mail folder that you'll access when you use Outlook Voice Access.

  • You can access your new voice messages in the order in which you want to hear them read. This option lets you play unread voice messages from the newest to the oldest or from the oldest to the newest.
Outlook Voice Access - Read This Folder
  • Use this setting to select which e-mail folder to read e-mail, voice mail, or other messages from when you use Outlook Voice Access.
  • If you want Outlook Voice Access to read from a different folder than the one that's currently specified, click the name of the folder next to Read this folder. Then, in the Select Folder window, select the folder you want from the list. Or, you can click Create New Folder to create a different folder for Outlook Voice Access to read from. After you've selected the correct folder, click OK.


You can choose which greeting will be played to callers when you're not available or you don't answer your phone. To record a greeting, call the Play on Phone number.

Outlook Voice Access - Default Voice Mail Greeting
  • Use this setting to select the default voice mail greeting to use when you don't answer your phone.
Outlook Voice Access -Extended Voice Mail Greeting
  • Use this setting to select a voice mail greeting that lets people know you're away for an extended period of time. For example, you would use this setting when you're on vacation or away on business.
Call Me Phone Number for Outlook Voice Access
  • Use this setting to call the Play on Phone number and play the default voice mail greeting or the greeting you use when you'll be away for an extended period of time to you over a phone.
  • You can use this setting to play or record a new greeting from a telephone.

Play on Phone

Use Play on Phone to have the voice mail system call you at the number that you define in this box.

Outlook Voice Access - Play on Phone Number
  • The telephone number you add in this box determines the telephone number that the voice mail system calls when you use Play on Phone and click Call me on my Play on Phone number to play or record the selected greeting.
  • By default, this telephone number is your extension number, but you can change it.
  • If this box contains something other than a phone or extension number, such as an e-mail address, the call will be sent to you where you're signed in.


You can receive notifications about missed calls and voice messages on your mobile or office phone. You can receive an e-mail notification when someone calls you on your office or mobile phone but doesn't leave a voice message. You can also receive a text message notification to alert you when you miss a phone call or receive a voice message on your mobile phone.


If voice mail notifications aren't enabled, you need to first enable text message notifications on the Text Messaging tab by clicking the Turn On Notifications button and completing the required steps.

Use the following settings to set up notifications for missed calls and voice mail messages that you receive:

  • If this check box is selected, you'll receive an e-mail notification in your Inbox when a caller tries to contact you but doesn't leave a voice message.
  • In most cases, you'll see a missed call notification on your mobile phone from your mobile phone provider, as well.
  • By default, this box is selected.
  • When you select this option button, you won't receive a text message notification on your mobile phone when you miss a call or receive a voice message.
  • In most cases, you'll see a missed call notification on your mobile phone from your mobile phone provider but you won't see a notification on your mobile phone that you have a voice message.
  • By default, the option to receive text message notifications isn't available until you set up text message notifications. You can set up text message notifications by clicking Set up notifications… and following the required steps.
  • When you select this option button, you'll receive text message notifications on your mobile phone when you have a voice message but won't receive missed call notifications.
  • In most cases, you'll see a missed call notification on your mobile phone from your mobile service provider but you won't see a notification from your mobile phone provider that you have a voice message.
  • By default, this option isn't available until you set up text message notifications. You can set up text message notifications by clicking Set up notifications… and following the required steps.
  • When you select this option button, you'll receive missed call and voice message notifications in a text message on your mobile phone.
  • In most cases, you'll also see a missed call notification and a voice mail notification on your mobile phone from your mobile service provider.
  • By default, this option isn't available until you set up text message notifications. You can set up text message notifications by clicking Set up notifications… and following the required steps.

Voice Mail Preview

You can preview the text of voice messages you receive. You can also have text previews included with voice messages you send. To turn on Voice Mail Preview, choose from the options below. You can use the settings in the Voice Mail Preview section to turn on or turn off voice mail previews or to allow preview text to be sent using Outlook Voice Access.

  • When this check box is selected, you'll receive a text preview of the voice messages you receive in an e-mail message.
  • By default, this box is selected.
  • When this check box is selected, a text preview will be sent along with voice messages that you send.
  • By default, this box is selected.