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Approve or Reject Messages Sent to a Group

Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Live@edu

If you have enabled message approval for a group, or if you have created rules that require message approval before delivery, the designated moderator will receive approval request messages in their inbox.

To approve or reject a message, follow these steps:

  1. From the Exchange Control Panel, click My Mail.
  2. Find the message with a subject line that begins with Approval requested. The message will say it is sent by the Microsoft Exchange Assistant on behalf of the message sender.
  3. Select the message you want to review and read it in the preview pane. To view the complete message, open the attachment.
  4. Click Approve or Reject. You can approve or reject the message from within the preview pane or by opening the selected message.
    If you select Reject, you can include a reason for rejecting the message. If you select Approve, the message will be sent to the recipients and the message will be moved to your Sent Items.

Did you know?

If you moderate a group, you can use inbox rules to sort message approval requests into a designated folder so they don’t clutter your inbox: Learn About Inbox Rules