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Supported Web Browsers

Applies to: Office 365 for professionals and small businesses, Office 365 for enterprises, Live@edu

To use all the features available in the Exchange Control Panel, you need to use one of these Web browsers.

Supported browser and operating system combinations

The combination of Web browser and operating system also affects whether features in the Exchange Control Panel are available.

Web browser + operating system Supports all features?

Internet Explorer + Microsoft Windows


Mozilla Firefox + Microsoft Windows


Mozilla Firefox + Mac OS X


Mozilla Firefox + Linux


Apple Safari + Microsoft Windows


Apple Safari + Mac OS X


Google Chrome + Microsoft Windows


Google Chrome + Linux


Web browser settings

Verify the following settings on your Web browser to ensure the optimal experience when using the Exchange Control Panel:

  • Session cookies are enabled. Session cookies are deleted at the end of the browser session.
  • JavaScript is enabled.
  • The Web browser lets new windows open. Pop-up blocker settings in the Web browser or third-party pop-up blocker applications may prevent the Exchange Control Panel from opening new windows.