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Access Voice Mail, E-Mail, Calendar, and Contacts on a Mobile Phone Set Up with Outlook Web App

Applies to: Office 365 for enterprises, Microsoft Exchange

You can use Outlook Voice Access to listen to your voice mail or e-mail and access your calendar or personal contacts over a phone. You need to enter a PIN to access your e-mail, calendar, and contact information from your phone. By default, the PIN you choose will also be used to access your voice mail.

Although it's not recommended, on the Voice Mail tab you can select the Let me access my voice mail without a PIN check box, which will let you get your voice mail without a PIN. If you do this, you'll be prompted for your PIN when you access your e-mail, calendar, or contact information, but not when you access your voice mail.

How can I access my voice mail, e-mail, calendar, and contacts over the phone?

Access your voice mail, e-mail, calendar, and contacts from your mobile phone without a voice mail PIN:

  1. Call the Outlook Voice Access telephone number, which you'll find on the Voice Mail tab.
  2. You'll hear something like, "You have 2 new voice messages, 10 new e-mail messages, and your next meeting is at 10:00 A.M. Please say voice mail, e-mail, calendar, personal contacts, directory, or personal options." If you say "e-mail", "calendar", or "contacts", you'll be prompted for your PIN.

Access your voice mail, e-mail, calendar, or contacts from your mobile phone with a voice mail PIN:

  1. Call the Outlook Voice Access telephone number, which you'll find on the Voice Mail tab.
  2. You'll hear, "Please enter your PIN and press the # key."
  3. After you enter your PIN, you'll hear something like, "You have 2 new voice messages, 10 new e-mail messages, and your next meeting is at 10:00 A.M. Please say voice mail, e-mail, calendar, personal contacts, directory, or personal options."

What else do I need to know?

  • When you enter a combination of letters and numbers, for example, "Mike1092", the numbers are mapped to themselves. For an e-mail alias of "Mike1092" to be entered correctly, you need to press the numbers 64531092. Also, there isn't a telephone key equivalent for characters other than A-Z and 0-9, so these characters shouldn't be entered as part of the alias. For example, the e-mail alias "mike.wilson" would be entered as 6453945766. Even though there are 11 characters, only 10 digits are entered because the period (.) doesn't have a digit equivalent.