PasswordProtectSleep property

The PasswordProtectSleep property is a read/write property that enables or disables password protection when a computer resumes from sleep.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_PasswordProtectSleep(
  [in]   VARIANT_BOOL newVal

HRESULT get_PasswordProtectSleep(
  [out]  VARIANT_BOOL *pVal

Property value

A new value that indicates whether the computer will be password protected when it resumes from sleep or not.

Error codes

PasswordProtectSleep returns a standard HRESULT.


A network or domain administrator can override the PasswordProtectSleep property through Group Policy. If this situation occurs, regardless of what value that you set this property to, sleep will always be password-protected.

See also




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Build date: 1/12/2012