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PrinterStatusConditionEvent element

The required PrinterStatusConditionEvent element provides the client with detailed information about a single status change in the printer.

PrinterStatusConditionEvent is defined in the namespace at this URI: and referenced by the prefix wprt. (This resource may not be available in some languages and countries.)


  child elements


There are no attributes.

Text value


Child elements

Element Description


Provides details about one of the printer's current conditions.

Parent elements

There are no parent elements.


The WSD Print Service sends a PrinterStatusConditionEvent element to the client when a DeviceCondition element is added or changed in the ActiveCondition element table. The body of PrinterStatusConditionEvent contains the new or changed DeviceCondition element.

The following syntax block shows that you must also prefix the names of the child elements with the appropriate namespace (in this case wprt), to be certain that your name references apply to child elements in the correct namespace.

 <wprt:DeviceCondition> data </wprt:DeviceCondition>

See also





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Build date: 7/19/2012